120K may not create much of a reaction. remember this is the "bad is good" and "awful is great" market. awful news is considered yippee because the thinking is that it just means the Fed will definitely print more money. this is how many people view it not myself. 120K might be viewed as so so. not bad enough to guarantee free money being printed and not too hot that it negates the need for money printing.
i think closing above or below 1407 or 1391 is the key for this week along with the ECB spouting a bunch of "blah blah blah" tomorrow. it doesn't look like they have that magic bullet after all.
I think you hit it on the head here, Atlas... Just goes to show you how irrational this market is when investors don't fear bad news, knowing the Fed is there to Stimulate .
Of course these actions will have repercussions , but no one seems to care right now..

The rest of the developed world falling apart at a faster rate than the U.S. should not inspire us.