Breakthrough infections are rare among vaccinated population. Kaiser family foundation found covid infections occur in under 1% of fully vaccinated population. Vast majority experience mild symptoms and recover faster after infection. However unvaccinated people still are at far higher risk of infection, hospitalization and death. In the United kingdom, most infected people hospitalized are unvaccinated. Given that Israel has a large number of vaccinated people, some breakthrough cases are expected. But Israel has only a fraction of covid cases that it had in January before vaccines became widespread. Vaccines have proven very effective in reducing hospitalizations and deaths. Under 600 covid hospitalizations is rare out of over 5 million Israelis vaccinated. Generally, unvaccinated patients are young and healthy. Whereas, vaccinated patients are old, unhealthy and high risk. For some, vaccines didn't trigger immune response because of medication or weakened immune system.
Now, you go look at KFF's little TABLE #1. There you will see this data that you refer to is from January 1st, 2021 to July 17th, 2021.
Now, think back, or look it up, 80% of the deaths this year happened before March 31st, maybe a little lower now. Hospitalizations through the roof in January. Remember the huge January surge???? How many were vaxed back then???? HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM. Those who died at the end of March contracted covid at the beginning of March. At the beginning of March just about 10% had received two shots, and we wait 14 days after to say "fully vaccinated". AND NO FREAKING DELTA BACK THEN!!!
So the KFF, like our CDC and the Biden admin. used that data, 80% of deaths, to skew the numbers to look like 99% are unvaxed.
It is much worse as Delta spreads. That false narative will soon have to be abandoned.
And I love how the CDC now says there this many vaccinated hospitalizations and deaths, BUT this many are asymptomatic and NOT related to COVID-19.
OK, how many hospitalizations and deaths among the unvaxed are asymptomatic or not related. Their not going to chart THAT, only when it fits their narative.
Minnesota alone has had over 7000 vaccinated in the hospital with covid again and 60 have died. Oh look, KFF's table doesn't have Minnesota. Who woulda thought.
Yes the vaccine reduces hospitalizations and deaths. Yes the unvaxed are twice as likely to spread covid. But the VAXED ARE GETTING IT, SPREADING IT, AND GOING TO THE HOSPITAL, AND DYING. AND NOT AT 1% my friend. AND YES, THE MEDIAN AGE OF COVID DEATHS HAS ALWAYS BEEN 78 YEARS OLD. SO DON'T PULL THE HORSE CRAP THAT THE VACCINATED DYING ARE OLDER. THEY ALL ARE!!!!