@KellyM_1964 If you have never at least acknowledged that there are discrepancies in the narrative we were fed about 9/11, then you are the definition of a sheep. I hate the way the term "sheep" is used but seriously. What is a 9/11 denier? You're not denying it happened. It happened. That much is a given but the devil is in the details. Even if you accept the base narrative, there is so much messed up stuff wrapped up in 9/11. If only acknowledging how 9/11 was used to usher in the Patriot Act, which had been sitting on a shelf because they knew they'd never be able to pass it, if only acknowledging that being shitty, would that make you a denier? He's not denying it happened. We all watched. He's questioning the narrative.
hes questioniing squat . hes outright saying it was a us govenment inside job and in so doing relieving the terrorists of accountability whether u agree or not .
unlike the both of u i wore the uniform and i can tell u those in the service dont take kindly to dumbass 9/11 deniers
we equate them to terrorist sympathizers
again whether u agree or not
also detox certainly does question the party he claims to be registered in
but what u failed to mention (or simply chose not to ) is that he only attacks democrats
if both sides r equally guilty of bs a true democrat may have issues with his own party sure ,
but given all the crap from the repos and rump cult a true democrat definitely does not limit his attacks to just his own party
dont u see that ? becuz if u dont then it is u who has issues