My favorite color is purple . Right after blue . And Oprah seems like a nice enough lady , but I really hope someone else becomes President instead man . Because Stedman Graham would then be the First Lady , and I just bet you that motherfucker would look horrible in a dress .
Although I thought the same thing about Bruce Jenner , and I’ll tell you what , he surprised me , cuz he kinda pulls it off , but that’s all I want to see him pull off , because I fear the sight of what man attempting to play God looks like when talking about the aesthetic appearance of the reproductive organs .
But then again I’ve come across a few furry mutant nether regions in my time that were not surgically “ enhanced “ that made that weirdo Gizmo with the big rolling eyes from Gremlins look like the Mona Lisa . Ya dig ?
And I’m sorry about the nouns , or pronouns , or about the words I used to describe Bruce . I’ll admit it . I’m at fault . I have not kept my study up on the subject of what certain people find suitable when attempting to describe themselves , or what they find acceptable from other people .
I vow to do my due diligence though , and to not doo doo all inside my mouth , to where it gets stuck between my teeth , and to where even flossing would make no difference , because talking shit is something I won’t stand for , even from myself , because I believe everyone is deserving of respect , so I’m gonna have to get my syntax on lock , when speaking about the people who are the pioneers in this new age of gender advancement .
They are the Neil Armstrong’s first step on life’s moon to equality . And thank god . Because acceptance is something we as humans all dearly need , and strive for , and sometimes die for . Life is short bro . In comparison to the time that the universe has existed . One’s life cycle is tantamount to the blink of an eye , and it appears and vanishes faster than a lightning strike .
If you’re a good person then be happy with yourself and with who you are . No matter what .
I have a feeling once all this hub bub dies down , and when we figure out a few parameters on how to integrate our new team members into this dawning of a different age that we are currently experiencing in it’s initial stages , we will be off and running , and their shining example of perseverance and recognition will make it just that much easier for anyone else who doesn’t meet the “ criteria “ of what a normal living thing that’s alive , be what it’s supposed to be , and get that respect that they wholeheartedly deserve .
Then maybe I can jump into the mix and plead my case so that I don’t feel ostracized either . But I need them to work their magic first , and to pave the way , and to be my lead blocker , because the world isn’t ready for me yet Nature .
There would be about 8 billion people who would all simultaneously lose all of their hair and teeth if I were to reveal my cross . Good golly Miss Molly it would be a sight ! Like a world filled with only me , and you , and the rest looking as if they were dressing up for Halloween as Vin Diesel with a bad meth habit .
In short , no to Oprah 
Although I’m sure we would all receive some decent parting gifts . But that bitch can’t buy me , ya dig ?
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