Here is what I've gotten a hundred "WFT are you talking about?" responses on over the past year, but I'll throw it out here to so I can get slapped around......
I don't think Trump had any real intention to become Pres.. I think he was fired up to run, get in the limelight for a while, get his point of view out there and a shiitload of "Yea Fn' A right ,, were behind you, your right on point, you're the man",,, BS from a faction of the population. Not thinking he would advance much past the elimination rounds,, just pack it in, move on back to his world with a bit more attention going forward. That's really what he lives for IMO.
I believe deep down he's semi-shocked he's still stuck in this position. The prospect of being bound and committed to this for 4+ yrs, is a future he really and truly doesn't look forward to at all. Yea, he puts on the overzealous patriotic front,, no harm there, but I'd bet you, if you got him on the old truth serum,, it would be "FuKK no I didn't intend on being Pres.. I wish to helll I would've bailed before my gdmn ego totally took over again".
I guess what I'm getting at, is I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he intentionally (or maybe unconsciously) self destructs within the next month, NOT THE LEAST BIT SURPISED!
I truly truly cannot believe it has came to this, one of the phonyest, most disgustinglyfake canidates ever, or a sideshow freak like DT, I swear,, I'm actually thinking of not voting,, its just to depressing and hopeless, but in the end I reluctantly will.