Game Total is 8.
Pitcher 1 has an ERA of 4.25.
Pitcher 2 has an ERA of 4.50.
John Q. Bettor decides to bet the OVER because, hey, 4.25 + 4.50 > 8.
Makes perfect sense. If both pitchers have an ERA that's over half the total, then bet OVER.

So, I used totals and pitcher ERA to research via SDQL. The following simple query produced an immediate 5% ROI when betting the UNDER.
6.5<=total<=8 and STDSERA >= total/2 and o:STDSERA >= total/2
The sweet spot on Total was from 6.5 to 8.0.
Both pitchers had an ERA of at least half the total.
After some additional filtering on the ERA, and adding an extra filter for WHIP, I have the following system for betting the UNDER:
Bet the UNDER if ...
Total is 6.5 to 8.0
Both pitchers have an ERA of at least half the Total, but no higher than 5.25
Both pitchers have a WHIP from 1.25 to 1.55
The pitcher ERA and WHIP numbers look bad enough to feel confident in the OVER, but the game results consistently produce UNDER.
Results from last 10 seasons:
ROI: 13.0%
PROFIT: 145 units
Games W-L-P (%under) Avg Total $ Under Season
10 6-4-0 (60.0%) 7.7 +$200 2007
58 32-22-4 (0.31, 59.3%) 7.7 +$760 2008
56 26-28-2 (0.96, 48.1%) 7.7 -$430 2009
66 42-22-2 (-0.38, 65.6%) 7.4 +$1,810 2010
158 82-68-8 (0.08, 54.7%) 7.4 +$750 2011
144 84-50-10 (-0.62, 62.7%) 7.5 +$2,910 2012
88 50-32-6 (-0.22, 61.0%) 7.6 +$1,630 2013
180 104-70-6 (-0.34, 59.8%) 7.4 +$2,630 2014
168 96-60-12 (0.40, 61.5%) 7.4 +$3,000 2015
82 48-32-2 (-0.20, 60.0%) 7.7 +$1,264 2016
Note: The SDQL database didn't list O/U lines, so I can't confirm the accuracy of the results.
First play is typically the last week in April or first week in May. Check back later if you want to follow along!