Quote Originally Posted by Messier-11:
Shits driving me crazy. I'm trying to be strong. Been working out a lot and trying to stay busy. Seems like every song on the radio is about love and getting heartbroken. Every movie on tv is the same way. Mind fucking me. And almost everything seems to remind me of her. I went out for breakfast this morning and got eggs benedict.....one of her favorites and it made me sad to think about even though its one of mine also. Do i throw out all the shit that reminds me of her? My ipod, sunglasses, pictures, etc? This shit blows and the Xanax has only really helped me get sleep at night. I don't take it during the day so i can be active. I have also lost all interest in gambling. Fired out a few plays today but I already feel like they will probably lose anyway. Maybe I should just cash out or try and double up a few times then cashout or be done with it for a while. She called me two nights ago late at night and we had an amazing convo for 40 minutes. Felt like things were gonna go back to normal. i texted her the next morning how I missed her and things got weird again. She didn't talk to me since. I am now on board with pretending she is dead and moving on for real. Its fucking tough though.
I recently went through something similar (I got dumped because I was too busy with other things, she felt that I didn't care, that I didn't want a future with her, etc.), except in my case it was worse because whenever we talked *she* would cry and tell me that she was still in love with me. I put in my pathetic pleas to win her back, but it was obvious that she'd been planning it for a long time and had already made a final decision to move on no matter what I said.
Here's the advice that I would give you:
1) You're not going to win her back. It's ok to try *once* so that you don't have any regrets down the road, but that's it.
2) No contact. At all. You have to realize that she's not the same person anymore, so your words would be wasted anyways.
3) Take all of the things that remind you of her, put them in a box, and bury it deep in a closet somewhere. If there's nothing particularly valuable, just throw them out.
4) Prepare to be sad and miserable for a few months.
5) Don't bother hooking up with random girls over the next few weeks, it'll just make you feel worse.
6) Don't try to understand why it happened.
7) Don't worry about 'being friends' with her. Eventually the rose-coloured glasses of being in love will come off and you'll realize that you want nothing to do with her.
8) Spend as much time as you can with close friends/family. Let them know that you're sad, but don't dwell on it when you're around them. Try to have fun and appreciate them.
9) Improve yourself in some way. This is one of those rare times in life when your mind won't be controlled by thoughts of getting laid, take advantage of it.
Good luck.