[Quote: Originally Posted by Mikniks]
It concerns me when people use god to do disgusting things in the name of god. Do you think it's ok for people of Islam to cut out the clitoris. It is stuff like that that gets to me. If you believe in god and it makes you a better person, then I am all for it...
Why dont you ask yourself this, why dont i, Smoothd, SJD, and Ex4 do crazy things in the name of God?
I think the people that are going to do crazy things in the name of religion are going to do it no matter what. If its not religion , it is something else.
As i have pointed out, that non believers have committed the biggest atrocities in the history of humanity, Atheism didnt cause them to do it, it is just there insanity, just like religious people blaming religion for there crazy thing, unlike atheism, these religious zelouts have something to blame other than themselves. What a perfect took for these nutters to take up religion.
Furthermmore, 80% - 85% of the world believe in a religion, if religion really does cause people to do crazy things, the world would be alot , alot , alot , alot more f####ed than it is now.
I saw a doco on 60 minutes where there was some guy in LA and his group of people putting up banners saying that person sexuals will rot in hell...I would have just asked him a few questions, i would have asked him if he was a sinner and also asked him God made him the judge. That would have shut his mouth and move on.
Dont get caught up in these people, they are hypocrites, they to are sinners, they could be worse than the people they are directing there anger at.
If you think by wiping out religion, problems of the world will be reduced, i think you are gravely mistaken, it may even increase.
I can only speak on my experience, i have been in positions to get away with a number of things in my life when no one is looking, however my belief is that God is watching and eventually i wont get away with it, meaning i acted fairly in those moments. In that instance, was the world a better place? yes it was. If i didnt believe in God , would i have done the same thing, i dont know, but there is a good chance i would have succumbed to my temptations and cheat......
Until you believe, it is hard to describe. If you humble yourself and swallow your pride and try, you dont know. what have you got to lose compared to what you can gain?