Quote Originally Posted by Mikniks:
Do you realize how dumb you are because you can't understand what we're saying?
Life is meaningless in the sense that there is no greater purpose, BUT life has relative meaning to family, friends, and possibly society. What don't you understand?
My life has no intrisic value, but my life is meaningful to my family. Understand what we're saying?
of course life is meaningless to you.
Because you think you are the accidental by-product of nature - the result of matter, plus time, plus chance. There is no reason for your existence; all you face is death.
And KK, if you talk about the impact of people on others like doctors, then that is ONLY RELATIVE significance, NOT Ultimate significance. Ultimately, what we all do, is meaningless, especially when there is the cosmic death of the universe, everything would have been meaningless.
Think about it, every single positive thing any person has done, will be ULTIMATELY MEANINGLESS.
All your friendships, good deeds, studying, helping others, loving , caring, in the final washup will be ultimately MEANINGLESS.
Because you dont believe in God, you believe you will end up nothing, therefore everything you do is nothing...
As Russian writer Dhostyevsky put it, "If there is no immortality, then all things are permitted. You may as well just live as you please.
There is no difference between Stalin and Mother Theresa, NONE AT ALL.
If life is all about survivng, and doing all you can to survive, why does altruism exist? What is the point of Smoothd's som going to war? You will say he is trying to make the USA a better place to live, but that is only relative, not ultimate.
If life is utterly meaningless, then everyone should act in their OWN SELFISH interest, no one will hold you accountable.
when you think about it, it would be foolish to do anything else since life is too short to jeopardize it by acting out of anything but pure self-interest. Sacrifice for another person would be stupid