The usual crowd is back with not one shroud of evidence that God doesnt exist. As Smoothd said, its all anti God rather than proper atheism....
Funny how people want evidence to believe, yet we are on a gambling forum where people who bet have no emprical evidence that games they bet on arent not fixed, yet still bet on games..
Its amazing where different human beings put there faith into.......
The usual crowd is back with not one shroud of evidence that God doesnt exist. As Smoothd said, its all anti God rather than proper atheism....
Funny how people want evidence to believe, yet we are on a gambling forum where people who bet have no emprical evidence that games they bet on arent not fixed, yet still bet on games..
Its amazing where different human beings put there faith into.......
The usual crowd is back with not one shroud of evidence that God doesnt exist. As Smoothd said, its all anti God rather than proper atheism....
Funny how people want evidence to believe, yet we are on a gambling forum where people who bet have no emprical evidence that games they bet on arent not fixed, yet still bet on games..
Its amazing where different human beings put there faith into.......
The usual crowd is back with not one shroud of evidence that God doesnt exist. As Smoothd said, its all anti God rather than proper atheism....
Funny how people want evidence to believe, yet we are on a gambling forum where people who bet have no emprical evidence that games they bet on arent not fixed, yet still bet on games..
Its amazing where different human beings put there faith into.......
Alot of people in the NBA forum for example, do alot of research, look at trends, players in and out, scheduling, refs etc etc, based on this research, they have an opinion and then bet based on this opinion.....
All this research gets thrown out the window if the game is tampered with.
But they still place there bets based on the research they did, they place it on "good faith" that the game is going to be played and officiated correctly with no tampering. But they have no evidence that the game is not going to be tampered with, but still place the bet.
Look at how much faith they place in david Stern.....Tim donaghy was caught tampering games, he was caught by pure accident by the FBI that was investigating another completely different case. Yet Stern afterwards comes out and says no other refs are cheating. How does he know? The NBA's internal controls never detected fraudulent behaviour by Donaghy, if it wasnt for a piece of luck by the FBI, then Donaghy would still be out there tampering games.....
The gamblers in the NBA forum have faith and trust in David Stern when he said no other refs are cheating, that is why they place there bets......They have faith and trust that no other refs are tampering games.......They dont have emprical evidence that they dont tamper games but have faith that they dont.....
Different people put there faith into different things.....
Alot of people in the NBA forum for example, do alot of research, look at trends, players in and out, scheduling, refs etc etc, based on this research, they have an opinion and then bet based on this opinion.....
All this research gets thrown out the window if the game is tampered with.
But they still place there bets based on the research they did, they place it on "good faith" that the game is going to be played and officiated correctly with no tampering. But they have no evidence that the game is not going to be tampered with, but still place the bet.
Look at how much faith they place in david Stern.....Tim donaghy was caught tampering games, he was caught by pure accident by the FBI that was investigating another completely different case. Yet Stern afterwards comes out and says no other refs are cheating. How does he know? The NBA's internal controls never detected fraudulent behaviour by Donaghy, if it wasnt for a piece of luck by the FBI, then Donaghy would still be out there tampering games.....
The gamblers in the NBA forum have faith and trust in David Stern when he said no other refs are cheating, that is why they place there bets......They have faith and trust that no other refs are tampering games.......They dont have emprical evidence that they dont tamper games but have faith that they dont.....
Different people put there faith into different things.....
I wouldn't say that in gambling we are putting our faith in anything. It's called GAMBLING. Religion is completely different. As an athiest, I don't have to prove anything to you. As a christian, you don't have to prove anything to me. Neither side has proof!!! Don't try to push your god onto us. Believe what you want to believe. I will do the same.
I wouldn't say that in gambling we are putting our faith in anything. It's called GAMBLING. Religion is completely different. As an athiest, I don't have to prove anything to you. As a christian, you don't have to prove anything to me. Neither side has proof!!! Don't try to push your god onto us. Believe what you want to believe. I will do the same.
So, now you are saying that God should have done it differently? How do you know how Gods should act? What standard or basis do you have to compare this against? How do you know how he should have done it? Your answer will be nothing but speculation as you have no "manual" on how God should act.
No, I’m saying the people who made up your God had great imaginations. However their stories when taken literally (as you have for some strange reason) make no sense at all.
There is a difference between someone NOT HEARING about the gospel at all and someone that does but rejectes it, ie, rejects Christ and chooses another religion. As i stated, God judges righteously.
So your God is going to judge someone for using the brain that he apparently gave them? That’s what you are saying, assuming that person’s beliefs was their choice and they chose another religion or none at all. Jesus says there is no way except through him. Your religion rewards for nothing other than unreasonable gullibility.
In my view, your responses didnt refue anything. The scripture states that God judges righteously. End of discussion.
The oh to typical “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” No thinking required.
if one has never heard of the Gospel, God doesnt send them to hell for not accepting Christ. This is a typical atheist misconception that fails..
Well if that’s true that the only thing reasonable I’ve ever heard about your God. So I guess it’s my best interest not to introduce Christian to my kids because I’m pretty sure they won’t believe that nonsense either. But you have to wonder why missionaries would go to the depths of Africa and other places to spread the good news when those people spots in heaven are already sealed if they never heard the Gospel? That just opens the door for hell to those people. How evil is that?
It has EVERYTHING to do with sin. That was the reason why Christ was crucified. It has everything to do with morality. I love how you try and degrade my God into a magical figure, i can already tell you are more anti God charged with emotion. I dont know why you keep on making judgements about who gets to go to heavan and who doesnt. Christ says many times there is ONLY one judge. I havent told anyone here if they are going to heavan to hell, yet you seem to think you can.
Well plenty of your kind do, at least they have the balls to do so. As loony as they are at least westboro Baptist keeps it real.
So your not a sinner? You have already used Gods name in vain, so straight away you have sinned and backed that up with a lie claiming that you have never sinned.
LOL, I think I’m going to start calling you Buzz light year. Do you know why? Because before Buzz with bitch slapped with truth he really thought he was a space ranger. He really thought he had laser on his wrist that could damage people. He talked about how he had to defend the universe against Evil Emperor Zurg. Everyone else around him knew it was just a blinking flashing light and harmless and that he was just a toy.
You think that your God is real and that doing something against the commands of this imaginary deity means anything. You live in a fantasy world and are completely oblivious to the real beauty of it.
Furthermore, you like most atheists seem to think that Chrostians can say " i will go and murder someone now, then after i do it, i will ask for forgiveness and all will be good". It doesnt work like that bud.
No, I don’t think anyone plans to
kill someone then says they will repent afterwards. That would be silly. But
there are plenty of cases where people do kill people then claim to be born
again Christians. The son of sam is an example. He claims that he’s forgiven.
If he is, there is a possibility that he will go to heaven and it’s potentially
possible the 1, 2 or all 5 of the people he killed could go to hell. I don’t
see any ultimate justice in that scenario at all. He got to live after the fact and make up for
what he did wrong, but they did not. The fact that scenario exists even potentially is sickening.
So, now you are saying that God should have done it differently? How do you know how Gods should act? What standard or basis do you have to compare this against? How do you know how he should have done it? Your answer will be nothing but speculation as you have no "manual" on how God should act.
No, I’m saying the people who made up your God had great imaginations. However their stories when taken literally (as you have for some strange reason) make no sense at all.
There is a difference between someone NOT HEARING about the gospel at all and someone that does but rejectes it, ie, rejects Christ and chooses another religion. As i stated, God judges righteously.
So your God is going to judge someone for using the brain that he apparently gave them? That’s what you are saying, assuming that person’s beliefs was their choice and they chose another religion or none at all. Jesus says there is no way except through him. Your religion rewards for nothing other than unreasonable gullibility.
In my view, your responses didnt refue anything. The scripture states that God judges righteously. End of discussion.
The oh to typical “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” No thinking required.
if one has never heard of the Gospel, God doesnt send them to hell for not accepting Christ. This is a typical atheist misconception that fails..
Well if that’s true that the only thing reasonable I’ve ever heard about your God. So I guess it’s my best interest not to introduce Christian to my kids because I’m pretty sure they won’t believe that nonsense either. But you have to wonder why missionaries would go to the depths of Africa and other places to spread the good news when those people spots in heaven are already sealed if they never heard the Gospel? That just opens the door for hell to those people. How evil is that?
It has EVERYTHING to do with sin. That was the reason why Christ was crucified. It has everything to do with morality. I love how you try and degrade my God into a magical figure, i can already tell you are more anti God charged with emotion. I dont know why you keep on making judgements about who gets to go to heavan and who doesnt. Christ says many times there is ONLY one judge. I havent told anyone here if they are going to heavan to hell, yet you seem to think you can.
Well plenty of your kind do, at least they have the balls to do so. As loony as they are at least westboro Baptist keeps it real.
So your not a sinner? You have already used Gods name in vain, so straight away you have sinned and backed that up with a lie claiming that you have never sinned.
LOL, I think I’m going to start calling you Buzz light year. Do you know why? Because before Buzz with bitch slapped with truth he really thought he was a space ranger. He really thought he had laser on his wrist that could damage people. He talked about how he had to defend the universe against Evil Emperor Zurg. Everyone else around him knew it was just a blinking flashing light and harmless and that he was just a toy.
You think that your God is real and that doing something against the commands of this imaginary deity means anything. You live in a fantasy world and are completely oblivious to the real beauty of it.
Furthermore, you like most atheists seem to think that Chrostians can say " i will go and murder someone now, then after i do it, i will ask for forgiveness and all will be good". It doesnt work like that bud.
No, I don’t think anyone plans to
kill someone then says they will repent afterwards. That would be silly. But
there are plenty of cases where people do kill people then claim to be born
again Christians. The son of sam is an example. He claims that he’s forgiven.
If he is, there is a possibility that he will go to heaven and it’s potentially
possible the 1, 2 or all 5 of the people he killed could go to hell. I don’t
see any ultimate justice in that scenario at all. He got to live after the fact and make up for
what he did wrong, but they did not. The fact that scenario exists even potentially is sickening.
Again, you are more anti God
Didn’t I tell you I was not anti God? I more than welcome the search for God/creators if they exist. What I don’t like is people who worship the words of dead men as God, like you do. You worship a man made compilation of books as God, instead of the actual creation (the universe) in short you are an idol worshiper. I’ll show you that here shortly.
. Hypothetically, lets assume God doesnt exist, is it bad to tell someone that they will go to hell and scare them if they steal, lie, rape, murder etc? Maybe if people acted more in accordance with the commandments, the world wouldnt be such a f###ing mess the way it is.......
My first question to you is, how would you even know the difference? In most states in America we have some form of the death penalty. Most Americans are Christians and believe in God and hell, and we are still violent and the death penalty or hell don’t serve any deterrent whatsoever. So all you are doing is lying for the sake of lying, which makes no sense at all.
You know maybe if people truly understood that this is the one and only shot at existence we will ever have, people might treat life just a little more precious than we have. If there were no promise of eternal life do you think those 911 hijackers or any suicide bombers would do what they did? They did it for the promise of eternal bliss, because their religion made this life seem so worthless, ugly and unworthy to the point where they couldn’t wait to leave.
Who said anything about physically dead people walking up from there graves?
Well it’s in the bible it’s part of the whole crucifixion and resurrection story. You do remember reading that part right?
“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.”
Now give me one good reason as to why I, a 31 year old man that lives in the year 2012 should believe that dead people rose from their graves? To require people to believe this sort of thing is unreasonable. It’s magic, no God worth a damn would require people to go against every thing they know to be true to believe in stupid nonsense like that. Especially when we know as a fact that dead people have never gotten up from their graves anywhere outside of your (and others) book of magic. Why even give us brains in the first place if we are not supposed to use them?
Again, you are more anti God
Didn’t I tell you I was not anti God? I more than welcome the search for God/creators if they exist. What I don’t like is people who worship the words of dead men as God, like you do. You worship a man made compilation of books as God, instead of the actual creation (the universe) in short you are an idol worshiper. I’ll show you that here shortly.
. Hypothetically, lets assume God doesnt exist, is it bad to tell someone that they will go to hell and scare them if they steal, lie, rape, murder etc? Maybe if people acted more in accordance with the commandments, the world wouldnt be such a f###ing mess the way it is.......
My first question to you is, how would you even know the difference? In most states in America we have some form of the death penalty. Most Americans are Christians and believe in God and hell, and we are still violent and the death penalty or hell don’t serve any deterrent whatsoever. So all you are doing is lying for the sake of lying, which makes no sense at all.
You know maybe if people truly understood that this is the one and only shot at existence we will ever have, people might treat life just a little more precious than we have. If there were no promise of eternal life do you think those 911 hijackers or any suicide bombers would do what they did? They did it for the promise of eternal bliss, because their religion made this life seem so worthless, ugly and unworthy to the point where they couldn’t wait to leave.
Who said anything about physically dead people walking up from there graves?
Well it’s in the bible it’s part of the whole crucifixion and resurrection story. You do remember reading that part right?
“And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.”
Now give me one good reason as to why I, a 31 year old man that lives in the year 2012 should believe that dead people rose from their graves? To require people to believe this sort of thing is unreasonable. It’s magic, no God worth a damn would require people to go against every thing they know to be true to believe in stupid nonsense like that. Especially when we know as a fact that dead people have never gotten up from their graves anywhere outside of your (and others) book of magic. Why even give us brains in the first place if we are not supposed to use them?
Part 3 This will be it for tonight, there is another part left but i'm tired and pissed the sixers moosed me..
The bottom line is , you believe something pop into existence FROM NOTHING, (and you say i believe in a disney story).
No I don’t. To say that is a lie. This is just my opinion; I don’t think there ever was nothing under the defection of that word that you are trying to give it. I think what you said there is a strawman argument because nobody would ever suggest that if you put nothing in a box and left there untouched that something would magically pop in there. That’s not what the big bang theory says. Btw that’s the first time I even mentioned the big bang, so where you got “you believe something pop into existence from nothing” is beyond me and nothing but a lie. I don’t know or really care where the universe came from; I just don’t believe your nonsense. Not knowing the answer doesn’t mean it’s the Christian God by default.
(and you say i believe in a disney story).
Because you do. This is how you believe the earth was created.
Then you claim that I believe something popped into existence from nothing? Mikey used an incantation spell in the same way your God apparently did. The only fact here is that both events never happened in reality.
Things coming into being from nothing has never been observed and to think it can happen is ludicorous
Agreed, so why do you believe it? Genesis basically says turtles, ducks, trees, ect.. All were poofed into the world instantly in their present forms perfectly adapted into the environments they were in from nothing, all at once.
Furthermore, when something popped into existence from nothing, the rare of explansion was so precise that out of pure luck, a universe was formed. The rate of expnason if slower or faster than smallest of fractions would have meant there was no universe.
Please site where you got this information from. I’ve never heard that although I have taken an astronomy (those evil liberal satanic educational institutions, I know) course before. Who wants to bet it’s a creationist/ Christian website or is just made up? I’m going to hold you to that too, I want to see where you got that from.
“Then out of more pure luck, a lightining rod hit a pond causing life to occur.”
For those of you who don’t know, he got this out of the movie “expelled” Ben Stein said this, Ben Stein is not a trust worthy source for this type of information, he’s not a scientist of any kind. Now please quote the academic source that also states this. Let me give the readers a hint, he won’t find one. You attack things you don’t even understand using arguments that don’t even represent what you claim you don’t agree with. Your posts are maddening to read times.
"And you say my story is a fairy tale.......”
Man made from dirt? Check
Woman made from rib? Check
Talking animals? Check
Women spontaneously turning into salt ? Check
Magic sticks that can turn into snakes and back into sticks? Check
Magic hair that makes you strong? Check
Zombies crawling out of graves? Check
Did miss anything?
Part 3 This will be it for tonight, there is another part left but i'm tired and pissed the sixers moosed me..
The bottom line is , you believe something pop into existence FROM NOTHING, (and you say i believe in a disney story).
No I don’t. To say that is a lie. This is just my opinion; I don’t think there ever was nothing under the defection of that word that you are trying to give it. I think what you said there is a strawman argument because nobody would ever suggest that if you put nothing in a box and left there untouched that something would magically pop in there. That’s not what the big bang theory says. Btw that’s the first time I even mentioned the big bang, so where you got “you believe something pop into existence from nothing” is beyond me and nothing but a lie. I don’t know or really care where the universe came from; I just don’t believe your nonsense. Not knowing the answer doesn’t mean it’s the Christian God by default.
(and you say i believe in a disney story).
Because you do. This is how you believe the earth was created.
Then you claim that I believe something popped into existence from nothing? Mikey used an incantation spell in the same way your God apparently did. The only fact here is that both events never happened in reality.
Things coming into being from nothing has never been observed and to think it can happen is ludicorous
Agreed, so why do you believe it? Genesis basically says turtles, ducks, trees, ect.. All were poofed into the world instantly in their present forms perfectly adapted into the environments they were in from nothing, all at once.
Furthermore, when something popped into existence from nothing, the rare of explansion was so precise that out of pure luck, a universe was formed. The rate of expnason if slower or faster than smallest of fractions would have meant there was no universe.
Please site where you got this information from. I’ve never heard that although I have taken an astronomy (those evil liberal satanic educational institutions, I know) course before. Who wants to bet it’s a creationist/ Christian website or is just made up? I’m going to hold you to that too, I want to see where you got that from.
“Then out of more pure luck, a lightining rod hit a pond causing life to occur.”
For those of you who don’t know, he got this out of the movie “expelled” Ben Stein said this, Ben Stein is not a trust worthy source for this type of information, he’s not a scientist of any kind. Now please quote the academic source that also states this. Let me give the readers a hint, he won’t find one. You attack things you don’t even understand using arguments that don’t even represent what you claim you don’t agree with. Your posts are maddening to read times.
"And you say my story is a fairy tale.......”
Man made from dirt? Check
Woman made from rib? Check
Talking animals? Check
Women spontaneously turning into salt ? Check
Magic sticks that can turn into snakes and back into sticks? Check
Magic hair that makes you strong? Check
Zombies crawling out of graves? Check
Did miss anything?
Alot of people in the NBA forum for example, do alot of research, look at trends, players in and out, scheduling, refs etc etc, based on this research, they have an opinion and then bet based on this opinion.....
All this research gets thrown out the window if the game is tampered with.
But they still place there bets based on the research they did, they place it on "good faith" that the game is going to be played and officiated correctly with no tampering. But they have no evidence that the game is not going to be tampered with, but still place the bet.
Look at how much faith they place in david Stern.....Tim donaghy was caught tampering games, he was caught by pure accident by the FBI that was investigating another completely different case. Yet Stern afterwards comes out and says no other refs are cheating. How does he know? The NBA's internal controls never detected fraudulent behaviour by Donaghy, if it wasnt for a piece of luck by the FBI, then Donaghy would still be out there tampering games.....
The gamblers in the NBA forum have faith and trust in David Stern when he said no other refs are cheating, that is why they place there bets......They have faith and trust that no other refs are tampering games.......They dont have emprical evidence that they dont tamper games but have faith that they dont.....
Different people put there faith into different things.....
Alot of people in the NBA forum for example, do alot of research, look at trends, players in and out, scheduling, refs etc etc, based on this research, they have an opinion and then bet based on this opinion.....
All this research gets thrown out the window if the game is tampered with.
But they still place there bets based on the research they did, they place it on "good faith" that the game is going to be played and officiated correctly with no tampering. But they have no evidence that the game is not going to be tampered with, but still place the bet.
Look at how much faith they place in david Stern.....Tim donaghy was caught tampering games, he was caught by pure accident by the FBI that was investigating another completely different case. Yet Stern afterwards comes out and says no other refs are cheating. How does he know? The NBA's internal controls never detected fraudulent behaviour by Donaghy, if it wasnt for a piece of luck by the FBI, then Donaghy would still be out there tampering games.....
The gamblers in the NBA forum have faith and trust in David Stern when he said no other refs are cheating, that is why they place there bets......They have faith and trust that no other refs are tampering games.......They dont have emprical evidence that they dont tamper games but have faith that they dont.....
Different people put there faith into different things.....
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