@ Wayne responses....too many word limits.
Wayne is red, i am green
No, I’m saying the people who made up your God had great imaginations. However their stories when taken literally (as you have for some strange reason) make no sense at all.
If it was made up from imaginations, then why were the witnesses prepared to die for their beliefs and accounts? Furthermore, why do the majority of NT historal scholars accept the accounts of the NT? Furthermore, there are plenty of other sources "outside the bible" that confirm the historicity of Jesus. Just because it doesnt make sense to you, doesnt mean its not true.....
@ Wayne responses....too many word limits.
Wayne is red, i am green
No, I’m saying the people who made up your God had great imaginations. However their stories when taken literally (as you have for some strange reason) make no sense at all.
If it was made up from imaginations, then why were the witnesses prepared to die for their beliefs and accounts? Furthermore, why do the majority of NT historal scholars accept the accounts of the NT? Furthermore, there are plenty of other sources "outside the bible" that confirm the historicity of Jesus. Just because it doesnt make sense to you, doesnt mean its not true.....
So your God is going to judge someone for using the brain that he apparently gave them? That’s what you are saying, assuming that person’s beliefs was their choice and they chose another religion or none at all. Jesus says there is no way except through him. Your religion rewards for nothing other than unreasonable gullibility.
No, my scripture tells me that no one has an excuse not to believe in God. This tells me that people reject God for a multitde of reasons, people not wanting to be told what to do, how to do it, people not wanting to feel guilty or have repracussions for there behaviour, worship something else, etc...There are plenty of reasons...Again, IMO, and just my opinion, i believe that you are supressing the truth for reasons only you and God know.
I am not the judge, therefore i refrain from making judgements on other people where they will end up.
So your God is going to judge someone for using the brain that he apparently gave them? That’s what you are saying, assuming that person’s beliefs was their choice and they chose another religion or none at all. Jesus says there is no way except through him. Your religion rewards for nothing other than unreasonable gullibility.
No, my scripture tells me that no one has an excuse not to believe in God. This tells me that people reject God for a multitde of reasons, people not wanting to be told what to do, how to do it, people not wanting to feel guilty or have repracussions for there behaviour, worship something else, etc...There are plenty of reasons...Again, IMO, and just my opinion, i believe that you are supressing the truth for reasons only you and God know.
I am not the judge, therefore i refrain from making judgements on other people where they will end up.
The oh to typical “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” No thinking required.
I am not making a claim on where people will end up like you are based on my beliefs....I never said to anyone if they will end up in heavan or hell...I am not the judge.
The oh to typical “God said it, I believe it, that settles it” No thinking required.
I am not making a claim on where people will end up like you are based on my beliefs....I never said to anyone if they will end up in heavan or hell...I am not the judge.
Well if that’s true that the only thing reasonable I’ve ever heard about your God. So I guess it’s my best interest not to introduce Christian to my kids because I’m pretty sure they won’t believe that nonsense either. But you have to wonder why missionaries would go to the depths of Africa and other places to spread the good news when those people spots in heaven are already sealed if they never heard the Gospel? That just opens the door for hell to those people. How evil is that?
Jesus told the apostles to spread the good news to all the nations. Again, this shows that not everyone has heard or will here the gospel. Therefore God judges righteously. However, i will say, that scripture teaches us that Gods law is written in all our hearts and our conscience bears witness to that...So for example, Christianity teaches us not to kill one another, however, even if you hadnt heard of Christianity, your heart tells you not to kill each other and your conscience bears witness to this...Therefore, if someone deep in Africa, who never heard of the gospel, kills another human being, doesnt have an excuse, rather, if he dies and gets judged cannot say, i didnt know it is wrong to kill.......
We are all sinners, the difference is that believers in God can ask for forgiveness....
Well if that’s true that the only thing reasonable I’ve ever heard about your God. So I guess it’s my best interest not to introduce Christian to my kids because I’m pretty sure they won’t believe that nonsense either. But you have to wonder why missionaries would go to the depths of Africa and other places to spread the good news when those people spots in heaven are already sealed if they never heard the Gospel? That just opens the door for hell to those people. How evil is that?
Jesus told the apostles to spread the good news to all the nations. Again, this shows that not everyone has heard or will here the gospel. Therefore God judges righteously. However, i will say, that scripture teaches us that Gods law is written in all our hearts and our conscience bears witness to that...So for example, Christianity teaches us not to kill one another, however, even if you hadnt heard of Christianity, your heart tells you not to kill each other and your conscience bears witness to this...Therefore, if someone deep in Africa, who never heard of the gospel, kills another human being, doesnt have an excuse, rather, if he dies and gets judged cannot say, i didnt know it is wrong to kill.......
We are all sinners, the difference is that believers in God can ask for forgiveness....
Well plenty of your kind do, at least they have the balls to do so. As loony as they are at least westboro Baptist keeps it real.
Why do you listen to other people as opposed to reading the Gospel? What if i said that the bible says it is ok to be a homosexual, will you take my word for it? Or would you read the texts yourself? Dont take note of others, just read it yourself and make up your mind.
No, I don’t think anyone plans to kill someone then says they will repent afterwards. That would be silly. But there are plenty of cases where people do kill people then claim to be born again Christians. The son of sam is an example. He claims that he’s forgiven. If he is, there is a possibility that he will go to heaven and it’s potentially possible the 1, 2 or all 5 of the people he killed could go to hell. I don’t see any ultimate justice in that scenario at all. He got to live after the fact and make up for what he did wrong, but they did not. The fact that scenario exists even potentially is sickening.
Dont judge, who cares what they claim to be. Why are most atheists obsessed with what other people do and what they say about themselves? I have no idea. Just read the Gospel yourself and live your life.....Thats it....
Well plenty of your kind do, at least they have the balls to do so. As loony as they are at least westboro Baptist keeps it real.
Why do you listen to other people as opposed to reading the Gospel? What if i said that the bible says it is ok to be a homosexual, will you take my word for it? Or would you read the texts yourself? Dont take note of others, just read it yourself and make up your mind.
No, I don’t think anyone plans to kill someone then says they will repent afterwards. That would be silly. But there are plenty of cases where people do kill people then claim to be born again Christians. The son of sam is an example. He claims that he’s forgiven. If he is, there is a possibility that he will go to heaven and it’s potentially possible the 1, 2 or all 5 of the people he killed could go to hell. I don’t see any ultimate justice in that scenario at all. He got to live after the fact and make up for what he did wrong, but they did not. The fact that scenario exists even potentially is sickening.
Dont judge, who cares what they claim to be. Why are most atheists obsessed with what other people do and what they say about themselves? I have no idea. Just read the Gospel yourself and live your life.....Thats it....
Well plenty of your kind do, at least they have the balls to do so. As loony as they are at least westboro Baptist keeps it real.
Why do you listen to other people as opposed to reading the Gospel? What if i said that the bible says it is ok to be a homosexual, will you take my word for it? Or would you read the texts yourself? Dont take note of others, just read it yourself and make up your mind.
No, I don’t think anyone plans to kill someone then says they will repent afterwards. That would be silly. But there are plenty of cases where people do kill people then claim to be born again Christians. The son of sam is an example. He claims that he’s forgiven. If he is, there is a possibility that he will go to heaven and it’s potentially possible the 1, 2 or all 5 of the people he killed could go to hell. I don’t see any ultimate justice in that scenario at all. He got to live after the fact and make up for what he did wrong, but they did not. The fact that scenario exists even potentially is sickening.
Dont judge, who cares what they claim to be. Why are most atheists obsessed with what other people do and what they say about themselves? I have no idea. Just read the Gospel yourself and live your life.....Thats it....
Well plenty of your kind do, at least they have the balls to do so. As loony as they are at least westboro Baptist keeps it real.
Why do you listen to other people as opposed to reading the Gospel? What if i said that the bible says it is ok to be a homosexual, will you take my word for it? Or would you read the texts yourself? Dont take note of others, just read it yourself and make up your mind.
No, I don’t think anyone plans to kill someone then says they will repent afterwards. That would be silly. But there are plenty of cases where people do kill people then claim to be born again Christians. The son of sam is an example. He claims that he’s forgiven. If he is, there is a possibility that he will go to heaven and it’s potentially possible the 1, 2 or all 5 of the people he killed could go to hell. I don’t see any ultimate justice in that scenario at all. He got to live after the fact and make up for what he did wrong, but they did not. The fact that scenario exists even potentially is sickening.
Dont judge, who cares what they claim to be. Why are most atheists obsessed with what other people do and what they say about themselves? I have no idea. Just read the Gospel yourself and live your life.....Thats it....
Didn’t I tell you I was not anti God? I more than welcome the search for God/creators if they exist. What I don’t like is people who worship the words of dead men as God, like you do. You worship a man made compilation of books as God, instead of the actual creation (the universe) in short you are an idol worshiper. I’ll show you that here shortly.
Ok, so you have a problem with the Gospel because it was written by man? Does this mean everything written by man should be discarded? To be consistent in your logic, shouldnt everything written by you "a man" be discarded?
The problem like you and many atheists, is not the fact that it was written by man, because if it is, you will discard everything written by man if you are logically consistent, but you dont. Therefore, you choose what you want to believe.....Thats the difference.
Didn’t I tell you I was not anti God? I more than welcome the search for God/creators if they exist. What I don’t like is people who worship the words of dead men as God, like you do. You worship a man made compilation of books as God, instead of the actual creation (the universe) in short you are an idol worshiper. I’ll show you that here shortly.
Ok, so you have a problem with the Gospel because it was written by man? Does this mean everything written by man should be discarded? To be consistent in your logic, shouldnt everything written by you "a man" be discarded?
The problem like you and many atheists, is not the fact that it was written by man, because if it is, you will discard everything written by man if you are logically consistent, but you dont. Therefore, you choose what you want to believe.....Thats the difference.
My first question to you is, how would you even know the difference? In most states in America we have some form of the death penalty. Most Americans are Christians and believe in God and hell, and we are still violent and the death penalty or hell don’t serve any deterrent whatsoever. So all you are doing is lying for the sake of lying, which makes no sense at all.
2 things....
When someone commits a murder or something that warrants the death penalty, they do it with the thought that "they are going to get away with it".....How many murderers, child molesters, rapists etc, commit there crimes, then go and hand themselves in to the Police station? How many people do these actions in front of a population? Why do these people defend themselves in court? Because when they commit it, they think they are going to get away with it......Do robbers go into a bank without masks? Call the news stations to broadcats it live? No, because as i said, they think they can get away with it...
Furthermore, you are trying to compare punishment in this life to eternal punishment? They dont even compare.....Furthermore, just because someone believes in God, it doesnt make them immune to committing sin, even if they know the consequences....The deed is to good to refuse..
You know maybe if people truly understood that this is the one and only shot at existence we will ever have, people might treat life just a little more precious than we have. If there were no promise of eternal life do you think those 911 hijackers or any suicide bombers would do what they did? They did it for the promise of eternal bliss, because their religion made this life seem so worthless, ugly and unworthy to the point where they couldn’t wait to leave.
My first question to you is, how would you even know the difference? In most states in America we have some form of the death penalty. Most Americans are Christians and believe in God and hell, and we are still violent and the death penalty or hell don’t serve any deterrent whatsoever. So all you are doing is lying for the sake of lying, which makes no sense at all.
2 things....
When someone commits a murder or something that warrants the death penalty, they do it with the thought that "they are going to get away with it".....How many murderers, child molesters, rapists etc, commit there crimes, then go and hand themselves in to the Police station? How many people do these actions in front of a population? Why do these people defend themselves in court? Because when they commit it, they think they are going to get away with it......Do robbers go into a bank without masks? Call the news stations to broadcats it live? No, because as i said, they think they can get away with it...
Furthermore, you are trying to compare punishment in this life to eternal punishment? They dont even compare.....Furthermore, just because someone believes in God, it doesnt make them immune to committing sin, even if they know the consequences....The deed is to good to refuse..
You know maybe if people truly understood that this is the one and only shot at existence we will ever have, people might treat life just a little more precious than we have. If there were no promise of eternal life do you think those 911 hijackers or any suicide bombers would do what they did? They did it for the promise of eternal bliss, because their religion made this life seem so worthless, ugly and unworthy to the point where they couldn’t wait to leave.
You know maybe if people truly understood that this is the one and only shot at existence we will ever have, people might treat life just a little more precious than we have. If there were no promise of eternal life do you think those 911 hijackers or any suicide bombers would do what they did? They did it for the promise of eternal bliss, because their religion made this life seem so worthless, ugly and unworthy to the point where they couldn’t wait to leave.
Regarding the 1st part.....I disagree. If this is the ONLY one shot at life and there is nothing after, no consequences, no reprecussions etc, it will be the total opposite.....
Tell me, if i can steal your wallet, AND GET AWAY with it, why shouldnt i do it, if there will be no consequences at all? No afterlife, no judgement etc...Give me one reason why i shouldnt? I dont know you, i dont care about you, it wont make a difference to me how you feel.....I will be better off, you worse off, but who cares about you......However, if you arent looking, and i believe God is watching everything i do, then all of a sudden, if you arent watching, i have a motivation and reason not to steal, because even if i get away with it here, i wont in the afterlife...That is a deternt.
regarding the sept 11 bombings...they were Muslim extremists and i dont really care about Islam.....Christs teaches us not to kill, thats all i know......Maybe that is why the hijackers didnt take up Christianity because it doesnt suit there sinful life, i dont know.....
You know maybe if people truly understood that this is the one and only shot at existence we will ever have, people might treat life just a little more precious than we have. If there were no promise of eternal life do you think those 911 hijackers or any suicide bombers would do what they did? They did it for the promise of eternal bliss, because their religion made this life seem so worthless, ugly and unworthy to the point where they couldn’t wait to leave.
Regarding the 1st part.....I disagree. If this is the ONLY one shot at life and there is nothing after, no consequences, no reprecussions etc, it will be the total opposite.....
Tell me, if i can steal your wallet, AND GET AWAY with it, why shouldnt i do it, if there will be no consequences at all? No afterlife, no judgement etc...Give me one reason why i shouldnt? I dont know you, i dont care about you, it wont make a difference to me how you feel.....I will be better off, you worse off, but who cares about you......However, if you arent looking, and i believe God is watching everything i do, then all of a sudden, if you arent watching, i have a motivation and reason not to steal, because even if i get away with it here, i wont in the afterlife...That is a deternt.
regarding the sept 11 bombings...they were Muslim extremists and i dont really care about Islam.....Christs teaches us not to kill, thats all i know......Maybe that is why the hijackers didnt take up Christianity because it doesnt suit there sinful life, i dont know.....
Well it’s in the bible it’s part of the whole crucifixion and resurrection story. You do remember reading that part right?
Sure do.....I dont understand what your point is with this.....if you pre suppose naturalism, then of course you wont believe it....
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.”
Again, if you pre-suppose naturalism, you wont believe it...
Let me say this, just because it sounds that way to you, doesnt mean it didnt happen....
Not sure if you know Cricket, but i heard of a story of a professional game played about 150 years ago.....When i heard it, i was just shocked and very inclined not to believe it......
In baseball terms, it would be equivalent to a pitcher throwing a perfect game where the batters were allowed to use a bat that was 5 times thicker than what they use now, and there were no outfielders......I wasnt there to see this, but plenty of witnesses did and it was recorded that way in the official books....
Not comparing this to what Jesus did, but boy, it sounded like something that is almost impossible that would happen, but it did....
Well it’s in the bible it’s part of the whole crucifixion and resurrection story. You do remember reading that part right?
Sure do.....I dont understand what your point is with this.....if you pre suppose naturalism, then of course you wont believe it....
And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.
At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. The tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.”
Again, if you pre-suppose naturalism, you wont believe it...
Let me say this, just because it sounds that way to you, doesnt mean it didnt happen....
Not sure if you know Cricket, but i heard of a story of a professional game played about 150 years ago.....When i heard it, i was just shocked and very inclined not to believe it......
In baseball terms, it would be equivalent to a pitcher throwing a perfect game where the batters were allowed to use a bat that was 5 times thicker than what they use now, and there were no outfielders......I wasnt there to see this, but plenty of witnesses did and it was recorded that way in the official books....
Not comparing this to what Jesus did, but boy, it sounded like something that is almost impossible that would happen, but it did....
Now give me one good reason as to why I, a 31 year old man that lives in the year 2012 should believe that dead people rose from their graves? To require people to believe this sort of thing is unreasonable. It’s magic, no God worth a damn would require people to go against every thing they know to be true to believe in stupid nonsense like that. Especially when we know as a fact that dead people have never gotten up from their graves anywhere outside of your (and others) book of magic. Why even give us brains in the first place if we are not supposed to use them?
Regarding rising from the grave, if you pre suppose naturalism, then you wont believe it. But if you believe God exists, then there is no reason not to believe supernatural events cannot occur...
Why should i believe the universe popped into existence from nothing? Why should i believe a lightning rod hit a lake and from there life began? why should i believe that the complexity and sophistication of a cell that is far more complex than anything we know happened by plain dumb luck? And you talk about magic not knowing what the implications of your belief?
Now give me one good reason as to why I, a 31 year old man that lives in the year 2012 should believe that dead people rose from their graves? To require people to believe this sort of thing is unreasonable. It’s magic, no God worth a damn would require people to go against every thing they know to be true to believe in stupid nonsense like that. Especially when we know as a fact that dead people have never gotten up from their graves anywhere outside of your (and others) book of magic. Why even give us brains in the first place if we are not supposed to use them?
Regarding rising from the grave, if you pre suppose naturalism, then you wont believe it. But if you believe God exists, then there is no reason not to believe supernatural events cannot occur...
Why should i believe the universe popped into existence from nothing? Why should i believe a lightning rod hit a lake and from there life began? why should i believe that the complexity and sophistication of a cell that is far more complex than anything we know happened by plain dumb luck? And you talk about magic not knowing what the implications of your belief?
No I don’t. To say that is a lie. This is just my opinion; I don’t think there ever was nothing under the defection of that word that you are trying to give it. I think what you said there is a strawman argument because nobody would ever suggest that if you put nothing in a box and left there untouched that something would magically pop in there. That’s not what the big bang theory says. Btw that’s the first time I even mentioned the big bang, so where you got “you believe something pop into existence from nothing” is beyond me and nothing but a lie. I don’t know or really care where the universe came from; I just don’t believe your nonsense. Not knowing the answer doesn’t mean it’s the Christian God by default.
(and you say i believe in a disney story).
Because you do. This is how you believe the earth was created.
Latest cosmology and astrophysics shows that the universe BEGAN to exist. At this point, time, space and matter began to exist. Meaning, prior to this point (the big bang), prior to inflation, there was no space, time and matter....Therefore, there was NOTHING.......NOTHING, NOTHING.......yet, space, time and matter began to exist. If there was nothing to this point, how does space, time and matter begin to exist under naturalism? The only alternative is to believe these popped into existence uncaused. But we know something cannot come from nothing, so what is it?
It points very strongly to a cause that is outside space, time and matter. Straight away this should deem naturalism false...
And you are here laughing about dead people rising?
I suggest you look at the latest scientific developements and the implications of those on atheism before you start laughing stories in the Gospel. And there you go again, when the atheist gets cornered, they duck into "i dont know".....You just cant keep on ducking between atheism and agnosticism.....If you want to do that, then i recommend you keep your thoughts about others beliefs to yourself.......
Then you claim that I believe something popped into existence from nothing? Mikey used an incantation spell in the same way your God apparently did. The only fact here is that both events never happened in reality
Another typical atheist response that appeals to the fallacy of equivocation. The fallacy is in comparing the physical world laws to that of the supernatural when no one has any basis to do so....You listen to what that guy says? Oh dear...
Agreed, so why do you believe it? Genesis basically says turtles, ducks, trees, ect.. All were poofed into the world instantly in their present forms perfectly adapted into the environments they were in from nothing, all at once.
No, God caused these to come into being, The atheist believes something came into existence UNCAUSED. Thats the difference.
Please site where you got this information from. I’ve never heard that although I have taken an astronomy (those evil liberal satanic educational institutions, I know) course before. Who wants to bet it’s a creationist/ Christian website or is just made up? I’m going to hold you to that too, I want to see where you got that from.
I am very surprised that you come on here with such a lack of knowledge of latest cosmology and astrophysics and mathematics.......The big bang caused the universe to expand. If the rate of expansion was slower or faster by the smallest of fractions, then the universe would have collapsed and i wouldnt be here talking to you or vice a verse...Such precision creates a strong srgument that the initial conditions of the big bang were fine tuned for life.......If not, it is just plain ridicolous blind luck, opure fluke that it happened that way,.
No I don’t. To say that is a lie. This is just my opinion; I don’t think there ever was nothing under the defection of that word that you are trying to give it. I think what you said there is a strawman argument because nobody would ever suggest that if you put nothing in a box and left there untouched that something would magically pop in there. That’s not what the big bang theory says. Btw that’s the first time I even mentioned the big bang, so where you got “you believe something pop into existence from nothing” is beyond me and nothing but a lie. I don’t know or really care where the universe came from; I just don’t believe your nonsense. Not knowing the answer doesn’t mean it’s the Christian God by default.
(and you say i believe in a disney story).
Because you do. This is how you believe the earth was created.
Latest cosmology and astrophysics shows that the universe BEGAN to exist. At this point, time, space and matter began to exist. Meaning, prior to this point (the big bang), prior to inflation, there was no space, time and matter....Therefore, there was NOTHING.......NOTHING, NOTHING.......yet, space, time and matter began to exist. If there was nothing to this point, how does space, time and matter begin to exist under naturalism? The only alternative is to believe these popped into existence uncaused. But we know something cannot come from nothing, so what is it?
It points very strongly to a cause that is outside space, time and matter. Straight away this should deem naturalism false...
And you are here laughing about dead people rising?
I suggest you look at the latest scientific developements and the implications of those on atheism before you start laughing stories in the Gospel. And there you go again, when the atheist gets cornered, they duck into "i dont know".....You just cant keep on ducking between atheism and agnosticism.....If you want to do that, then i recommend you keep your thoughts about others beliefs to yourself.......
Then you claim that I believe something popped into existence from nothing? Mikey used an incantation spell in the same way your God apparently did. The only fact here is that both events never happened in reality
Another typical atheist response that appeals to the fallacy of equivocation. The fallacy is in comparing the physical world laws to that of the supernatural when no one has any basis to do so....You listen to what that guy says? Oh dear...
Agreed, so why do you believe it? Genesis basically says turtles, ducks, trees, ect.. All were poofed into the world instantly in their present forms perfectly adapted into the environments they were in from nothing, all at once.
No, God caused these to come into being, The atheist believes something came into existence UNCAUSED. Thats the difference.
Please site where you got this information from. I’ve never heard that although I have taken an astronomy (those evil liberal satanic educational institutions, I know) course before. Who wants to bet it’s a creationist/ Christian website or is just made up? I’m going to hold you to that too, I want to see where you got that from.
I am very surprised that you come on here with such a lack of knowledge of latest cosmology and astrophysics and mathematics.......The big bang caused the universe to expand. If the rate of expansion was slower or faster by the smallest of fractions, then the universe would have collapsed and i wouldnt be here talking to you or vice a verse...Such precision creates a strong srgument that the initial conditions of the big bang were fine tuned for life.......If not, it is just plain ridicolous blind luck, opure fluke that it happened that way,.
For those of you who don’t know, he got this out of the movie “expelled” Ben Stein said this, Ben Stein is not a trust worthy source for this type of information, he’s not a scientist of any kind. Now please quote the academic source that also states this. Let me give the readers a hint, he won’t find one. You attack things you don’t even understand using arguments that don’t even represent what you claim you don’t agree with. Your posts are maddening to read times.
Wrong, you dont even know what the theory of abiogensis is? Again, i am alarmed at your lack of knowledge...
Why dont you look at Stanley Millers failed experiment and the primodial soup......
"And you say my story is a fairy tale.......”
Man made from dirt? Check
Woman made from rib? Check
Talking animals? Check
Women spontaneously turning into salt ? Check
Magic sticks that can turn into snakes and back into sticks? Check
Magic hair that makes you strong? Check
Zombies crawling out of graves? Check
Did miss anything?
Again, you fail to realise the Bible is a collection of books. Some parts are poetic, some parts are scientific, some parts are historical accounts etc etc......When you walk into a library, do you read every book the same way? Ie, do you read the poetry books the same way as you read action books, or geography books? I was taught this in grade 1........
The bible as is a collection of book,s just like when you go to a library, must be read with different lense
For those of you who don’t know, he got this out of the movie “expelled” Ben Stein said this, Ben Stein is not a trust worthy source for this type of information, he’s not a scientist of any kind. Now please quote the academic source that also states this. Let me give the readers a hint, he won’t find one. You attack things you don’t even understand using arguments that don’t even represent what you claim you don’t agree with. Your posts are maddening to read times.
Wrong, you dont even know what the theory of abiogensis is? Again, i am alarmed at your lack of knowledge...
Why dont you look at Stanley Millers failed experiment and the primodial soup......
"And you say my story is a fairy tale.......”
Man made from dirt? Check
Woman made from rib? Check
Talking animals? Check
Women spontaneously turning into salt ? Check
Magic sticks that can turn into snakes and back into sticks? Check
Magic hair that makes you strong? Check
Zombies crawling out of graves? Check
Did miss anything?
Again, you fail to realise the Bible is a collection of books. Some parts are poetic, some parts are scientific, some parts are historical accounts etc etc......When you walk into a library, do you read every book the same way? Ie, do you read the poetry books the same way as you read action books, or geography books? I was taught this in grade 1........
The bible as is a collection of book,s just like when you go to a library, must be read with different lense
For those of you who don’t know, he got this out of the movie “expelled” Ben Stein said this, Ben Stein is not a trust worthy source for this type of information, he’s not a scientist of any kind. Now please quote the academic source that also states this. Let me give the readers a hint, he won’t find one. You attack things you don’t even understand using arguments that don’t even represent what you claim you don’t agree with. Your posts are maddening to read times.
Wrong, Before you go around making accusations, why dont you look up the theory of Abiogensis and the Primodial soup.....You dont even know the implications of your atheistic beliefs......Sad.
"And you say my story is a fairy tale.......”
Man made from dirt? Check
Woman made from rib? Check
Talking animals? Check
Women spontaneously turning into salt ? Check
Magic sticks that can turn into snakes and back into sticks? Check
Magic hair that makes you strong? Check
Zombies crawling out of graves? Check
You clealry fail to realise that the bible is a collection of books....Some chapters are poetry, some are claims to science and others are historcial accounts of events.......
I was taught in grade 1 when you walk into a library, the poetry section, actions , sciences, and action should be read with different lenses....Clealry you werent taught this.....
For those of you who don’t know, he got this out of the movie “expelled” Ben Stein said this, Ben Stein is not a trust worthy source for this type of information, he’s not a scientist of any kind. Now please quote the academic source that also states this. Let me give the readers a hint, he won’t find one. You attack things you don’t even understand using arguments that don’t even represent what you claim you don’t agree with. Your posts are maddening to read times.
Wrong, Before you go around making accusations, why dont you look up the theory of Abiogensis and the Primodial soup.....You dont even know the implications of your atheistic beliefs......Sad.
"And you say my story is a fairy tale.......”
Man made from dirt? Check
Woman made from rib? Check
Talking animals? Check
Women spontaneously turning into salt ? Check
Magic sticks that can turn into snakes and back into sticks? Check
Magic hair that makes you strong? Check
Zombies crawling out of graves? Check
You clealry fail to realise that the bible is a collection of books....Some chapters are poetry, some are claims to science and others are historcial accounts of events.......
I was taught in grade 1 when you walk into a library, the poetry section, actions , sciences, and action should be read with different lenses....Clealry you werent taught this.....
Very well said mate.....The majority i talk to mostly look at religion and the actions and behaviours of those in religion as some way to disprove God exists, which cant be further from the truth.....
Also, we see that many atheists dont know the implications of the latets scientific findings on their beliefs.....
Very well said mate.....The majority i talk to mostly look at religion and the actions and behaviours of those in religion as some way to disprove God exists, which cant be further from the truth.....
Also, we see that many atheists dont know the implications of the latets scientific findings on their beliefs.....
Very well said mate.....The majority i talk to mostly look at religion and the actions and behaviours of those in religion as some way to disprove God exists, which cant be further from the truth.....
Also, we see that many atheists dont know the implications of the latets scientific findings on their beliefs.....
Very well said mate.....The majority i talk to mostly look at religion and the actions and behaviours of those in religion as some way to disprove God exists, which cant be further from the truth.....
Also, we see that many atheists dont know the implications of the latets scientific findings on their beliefs.....
Christianity is not silly nonsense to one-third of the entire world's population, to you a non-believer well of course it's going to be silly nonsense. You are still in the dark, you are being misguided by satan and you're not even aware of it.
Jesus did not kill himself, so please when you come on here just be honest and if you know anything about the bible just speak the truth. The bible is the Word of God and it is the truth.
He also did not just die for an original sin but rather died for all the sins that mankind has committed, so that's why He is the Savior of mankind. If He didn't die for our sins we would all be doomed for eternity in hell but whoever believes in Him shall not perish and will saved and will spend eternity in heaven with Him, all non believers will spend eternity in hell.
And yes He will come back someday and all His Christian believers will disappear from the earth and will be taken to heaven. So it is just a matter of time, nobody knows when it will happen but it will happen someday.
There is still time for you and all other non believers as long as you're alive to convert yourselves to Christianity because when you die it will be too late to say to the Lord...."Lord I believe in you now."
You got your facts wrong. God is necessary, He should always be loved and worshipped, He is the Creator of the universe and everything else that exists.
Christianity is not silly nonsense to one-third of the entire world's population, to you a non-believer well of course it's going to be silly nonsense. You are still in the dark, you are being misguided by satan and you're not even aware of it.
Jesus did not kill himself, so please when you come on here just be honest and if you know anything about the bible just speak the truth. The bible is the Word of God and it is the truth.
He also did not just die for an original sin but rather died for all the sins that mankind has committed, so that's why He is the Savior of mankind. If He didn't die for our sins we would all be doomed for eternity in hell but whoever believes in Him shall not perish and will saved and will spend eternity in heaven with Him, all non believers will spend eternity in hell.
And yes He will come back someday and all His Christian believers will disappear from the earth and will be taken to heaven. So it is just a matter of time, nobody knows when it will happen but it will happen someday.
There is still time for you and all other non believers as long as you're alive to convert yourselves to Christianity because when you die it will be too late to say to the Lord...."Lord I believe in you now."
You got your facts wrong. God is necessary, He should always be loved and worshipped, He is the Creator of the universe and everything else that exists.
Besides that, you know nothing or are even aware of the fact that satan has gotten a hold of your mind and that's why you became a non believer.
Save yourself and redeem yourself, ask the Lord for fogiveness for your sins and return to your roots.
Besides making the Lord happy, Mom and Dad will be happy too.
Besides that, you know nothing or are even aware of the fact that satan has gotten a hold of your mind and that's why you became a non believer.
Save yourself and redeem yourself, ask the Lord for fogiveness for your sins and return to your roots.
Besides making the Lord happy, Mom and Dad will be happy too.
Besides that, you know nothing or are even aware of the fact that satan has gotten a hold of your mind and that's why you became a non believer.
I have learned and forgotten more than your tiny brain could ever process. I was never a believer. It was what I was told to think.
Save yourself and redeem yourself, ask the Lord for fogiveness for your sins and return to your roots.
Besides making the Lord happy, Mom and Dad will be happy too.
They don't care one bit whether I'm religious, or not. My parents are not religious freaks like I'm sure yours were.
Now please do go away. You provide absolutely nothing to this thread. You say things like "Christianity is not silly nonsense to one-third of the entire world's population" as if it has any bearing at all. "It's true because a lot of people say so" doesn't fly as an argument around here, or it doesn't at least with the intelligent of the world, such as myself.
Besides that, you know nothing or are even aware of the fact that satan has gotten a hold of your mind and that's why you became a non believer.
I have learned and forgotten more than your tiny brain could ever process. I was never a believer. It was what I was told to think.
Save yourself and redeem yourself, ask the Lord for fogiveness for your sins and return to your roots.
Besides making the Lord happy, Mom and Dad will be happy too.
They don't care one bit whether I'm religious, or not. My parents are not religious freaks like I'm sure yours were.
Now please do go away. You provide absolutely nothing to this thread. You say things like "Christianity is not silly nonsense to one-third of the entire world's population" as if it has any bearing at all. "It's true because a lot of people say so" doesn't fly as an argument around here, or it doesn't at least with the intelligent of the world, such as myself.
Besides that, you know nothing or are even aware of the fact that satan has gotten a hold of your mind and that's why you became a non believer.
Save yourself and redeem yourself, ask the Lord for fogiveness for your sins and return to your roots.
Besides making the Lord happy, Mom and Dad will be happy too.
Besides that, you know nothing or are even aware of the fact that satan has gotten a hold of your mind and that's why you became a non believer.
Save yourself and redeem yourself, ask the Lord for fogiveness for your sins and return to your roots.
Besides making the Lord happy, Mom and Dad will be happy too.
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