Belief in the Bible:
Most of the writers of the Bible were eye-witnesses of what they recorded. II Peter 1:16 says "For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were EYE-WITNESSES of his majesty." Keep in mind that there were many enemies against the Christian faith, and if the writers of the NT were not accurate, the enemies of the Christians surely would have pointed it out, and we would have some record of it.
Prophecy in the Bible:
Prophecy can be defined as a foretelling of a future event. Even though all of the prophecies in the Bible have not come true yet (e.g. the ones about the end of the world), never once have any of them been wrong. It should be noted that Jewish prophets not only made predictions about the distant future, but also things which were to happen in their lifetime. If they were not 100% correct they would be put to death and their prophecies ignored (either they were from God or they were dead).
The Bible is Historically Correct:
The Bible had never contradicted any historical fact that's ever been discovered. This should add to its credibility. The Bible does not claim to be a book of science, yet not one scientific piece of data contradicts it. The Bible does not claim to be a history book, yet not one historical piece of evidence had ever contradicted it. The Bible does not claim to be a physics book, yet not one piece of physical data contradicts it. In the thousands of years of man's discoveries, not one thing has ever been found which contradicts the Bible. Sometimes the Bible even goes beyond man's knowledge: a long time ago man used to think the world was flat, but the Bible has always said it was round. Isaiah 40:22 says "He that sitteth upon the circle of the earth..."
Archaeology and the Bible:
-Archaeologists regularly use the Bible as a guide or road-map to find their dig sites.
-Matthew Maury was in the U.S. Navy between 1841 and 1861. He was reading the book of Psalms in the Bible, and noticed the words "paths in the sea." He pondered this and decided to review the journals and diaries of the captains various sea-going ships. He discovered that some journeys took weeks to complete and other journeys of the same distance only days. This eventually led to sea and wind currents being discovered. There actually are "paths" in the sea.
-Critics have often stated many times that Moses and the ancient Israelites could not have written such a structured book as Deuteronomy, but archaeologists have now discovered the Ebla Tablets. These clay tablets show structured writing (many of their laws and codes are similar to those found in the book of Deuteronomy), and they pre-date the book of Deuteronomy.
-Critics have also mocked the Christian scholars, claiming that the OT is not factual because (among other things) it speaks about the Hittite people and there is no Non-biblical evidence about them. Recently, however, discoveries have been made supporting the existence of the Hittite people. In fact, you can now go to Harvard and study the Hittite language.
-Archaeologists have discovered the home of Judas Iscariot - the person who delivered Jesus over to the Romans to be crucified.
-Archaeologists have also unearthed Sepphoris - the city where the mother of Jesus was born.
-Archaeologists have found the burial grave of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the Jewish High Priest who interrogated Jesus shortly before his Crucifixion.
We can see then that archaeology confirms the Bible's truth (there are plenty of other examples, but I will leave it at these examples).
If a person looked at the evidence about the Bible in an un-biased manner, he or she would have to conclude that it was true.