Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
How can you say god doesn't punish people for not believing when I WAS JUST TOLD THAT GOD CONDEMNS PEOPLE TO HELL FOR RENOUNCING HIM AND BLASPHEMING HIM. I WAS JUST TOLD THAT BLASPHEMY IS WORSE THAN MURDER. These arguments are basic, yes, but they are the most effective because you, like so many others, are incapable of answering them.
If a perfect god exists, then he does not exist. That is not true. What is true is if god was perfect, the world would be much different. Therefore, either god does not exist or god is not perfect. Either way, the logical conclusion is that YOUR god is not the one up there. And I am not stating grounds for objective morality (because objective morality does not exist). I am saying that relative to the only world I have ever known, and relative to the christian description of god, if god does exist, he is a douche bag.
And please bear in mind, I am under NO OBLIGATION to prove anything. The concept of god is one that defies the laws we know govern this world. Therefore, you have the burden of proof. And as we both know you cannot prove the existence of god. I know through basic probability that there is a greater likelihood of god not existing than existing, so mathematically, I choose to make the correct decision by not believing.
I'm sure you'll ask me to explain EVERYTHING because your can't grasp these basic concepts, but once again, everything I have written is grounded in FACT based on empirical evidence or math.
Don't get so emotional. Emotions have no place in logical discussion. (I assume your caps signify a frustration in communication). I do not care what you were told. All that matters is what is true. Keep your mind focused on truth as we go forward. We'll take each concern one at a time, to get you out of the unintelligent juvenile nonsense and into rational reasoning, logical coherency, and plain truth.
First things first.
God does not condemn people to Hell for renouncing Him. People are condemned to Hell due to sinfulness (imperfection). People only get into heaven due to God's grace. One can literally believe in God and yet still be rejected. Let me provide for you an example:
The Gospel According to Matthew, 7:21-23 NKJV21 “Not everyone who says
to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does
the will of My Father in heaven.
Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in
Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your
23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’
I'm sorry, but we have to take this slow. You have displayed to all the posters here that you don't even know what Christianity is. So if you are with me, we can continue. If not, tell me what you're not getting.