Christ appeared alive on several occasions after the cataclysmic events of that first Easter . When studying an event in history, it is important to know whether enough people who were participants or eyewitnesses to the event were alive when the facts about the event were published. To know this is obviously helpful in ascertaining the accuracy of the published report. If the number of eyewitnesses is substantial, the event can he regarded as fairly well established. For instance, if we all witness a murder, and a later police report turns out to he a fabrication of lies, we as eyewitnesses can refute it.
Several very important factors arc often overlooked when considering Christ's post-resurrection appearances to individuals. The first is the large number of witnesses of Christ after that resurrection morning. One of the earliest records of Christ's appearing after the resurrection is by Paul. The apostle appealed to his audience's knowledge of the fact that Christ had been seen by more than 500 people at one time. Paul reminded them that the majority of those people were still alive and could be questioned. Dr. Edwin M. Yamauchi, associate professor of history at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, emphasizes: "What gives a special authority to the list (of witnesses) as historical evidence is the reference to most of the five hundred brethren being still alive. St. Paul says in effect, 'If you do not believe me, you can ask them.' Such a statement in an admittedly genuine letter written within thirty years of the event is almost as strong evidence as one could hope to get for something that happened nearly two thousand years ago." Let's take the more than 500 witnesses who saw Jesus alive after His death and burial, and place them in a courtroom. Do you realize that if each of those 500 people were to testify for only six minutes, including cross-examination, you would have an amazing 50 hours of firsthand testimony? Add to this the testimony of many other eyewitnesses and you would well have the largest and most lopsided trial in history.
Another factor crucial to interpreting Christ's appearances is that He also appeared to those who were hostile or unconvinced.
Over and over again, I have read or heard people comment that Jesus was seen alive after His death and burial only by His friends and followers. Using that argument, they attempt to water down the overwhelming impact of the multiple eyewitness accounts. But that line of reasoning is so pathetic it hardly deserves comment. No author or informed individual would regard Saul of Tarsus as being a follower of Christ. The facts show the exact opposite. Saul despised Christ and persecuted Christ's followers. It was a life-shattering experience when Christ appeared to him. Although he was at the time not a disciple, he later became the apostle Paul, one of the greatest witnesses for the truth of the resurrection.
If the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, their authenticity would generally be regarded as beyond all doubt.
Manchester University
The argument that Christ's appearances were only to followers is an argument for the most part from silence, and arguments from silence can be dangerous. It is equally possible that all to whom Jesus appeared became followers. No one acquainted with the facts can accurately say that Jesus appeared to just "an insignificant few."
Christians believe that Jesus was bodily resurrected in time and space by the supernatural power of God. The difficulties of belief may be great, but the problems inherent in unbelief present even greater difficulties.
The theories advanced to explain the resurrection by "natural causes" are weak; they actually help to build confidence in the truth of the resurrection.
***I know of a lot more reasons then this, but I thought these ten were good enough (hopefully) for now.
Christ appeared alive on several occasions after the cataclysmic events of that first Easter . When studying an event in history, it is important to know whether enough people who were participants or eyewitnesses to the event were alive when the facts about the event were published. To know this is obviously helpful in ascertaining the accuracy of the published report. If the number of eyewitnesses is substantial, the event can he regarded as fairly well established. For instance, if we all witness a murder, and a later police report turns out to he a fabrication of lies, we as eyewitnesses can refute it.
Several very important factors arc often overlooked when considering Christ's post-resurrection appearances to individuals. The first is the large number of witnesses of Christ after that resurrection morning. One of the earliest records of Christ's appearing after the resurrection is by Paul. The apostle appealed to his audience's knowledge of the fact that Christ had been seen by more than 500 people at one time. Paul reminded them that the majority of those people were still alive and could be questioned. Dr. Edwin M. Yamauchi, associate professor of history at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, emphasizes: "What gives a special authority to the list (of witnesses) as historical evidence is the reference to most of the five hundred brethren being still alive. St. Paul says in effect, 'If you do not believe me, you can ask them.' Such a statement in an admittedly genuine letter written within thirty years of the event is almost as strong evidence as one could hope to get for something that happened nearly two thousand years ago." Let's take the more than 500 witnesses who saw Jesus alive after His death and burial, and place them in a courtroom. Do you realize that if each of those 500 people were to testify for only six minutes, including cross-examination, you would have an amazing 50 hours of firsthand testimony? Add to this the testimony of many other eyewitnesses and you would well have the largest and most lopsided trial in history.
Another factor crucial to interpreting Christ's appearances is that He also appeared to those who were hostile or unconvinced.
Over and over again, I have read or heard people comment that Jesus was seen alive after His death and burial only by His friends and followers. Using that argument, they attempt to water down the overwhelming impact of the multiple eyewitness accounts. But that line of reasoning is so pathetic it hardly deserves comment. No author or informed individual would regard Saul of Tarsus as being a follower of Christ. The facts show the exact opposite. Saul despised Christ and persecuted Christ's followers. It was a life-shattering experience when Christ appeared to him. Although he was at the time not a disciple, he later became the apostle Paul, one of the greatest witnesses for the truth of the resurrection.
If the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, their authenticity would generally be regarded as beyond all doubt.
Manchester University
The argument that Christ's appearances were only to followers is an argument for the most part from silence, and arguments from silence can be dangerous. It is equally possible that all to whom Jesus appeared became followers. No one acquainted with the facts can accurately say that Jesus appeared to just "an insignificant few."
Christians believe that Jesus was bodily resurrected in time and space by the supernatural power of God. The difficulties of belief may be great, but the problems inherent in unbelief present even greater difficulties.
The theories advanced to explain the resurrection by "natural causes" are weak; they actually help to build confidence in the truth of the resurrection.
***I know of a lot more reasons then this, but I thought these ten were good enough (hopefully) for now.
Thoughts are often confused with reality. Those who cling to the bible, or Jesus, are not demonstrating true faith, for faith is the opposite of clinging, it is letting go.
How can you define reality using the past? You do this (we all do this) because it is convenient. The reality we have in front of us is full of the unknown.
We feel like we are all alone, helpless and fearful (just like the disciples), yet we have the feeling that our roots and our past is unfathomable.
It would be convenient to lock it all up within a book, within a belief system. The past is known (or at least we THINK we now the past).
You tell me about events pertaining to the witnessing of apparitions, of jesus' resurrection. All history is in flux, and the accounts of credulous individuals represent the hopes of millions who seek connection to the Source of being.
Jesus persists because his message was true: Money doesn't matter; you are all children of God (the original greek says "I am a son of God'); Turn the other cheek (resist with flexibility/strength); Love one another; I and the father are one (and so are you and you and you); and so on. These are the teachings which first appeared in northern India and gave rise to Buddism as well. His teachings persist because he confronted a pyramid society that suffocates by its own design.
It is not a resurrection, but a continuity in time. The slayer doesn't end a life when he slays; neither the slain nor the slayer should believe so" (Upanishads).
There were many challenges to jewish law and authority, and many messiahs. People felt pain and anguish, and they seek relief, a saviour. There are people who feel they can do a service to people by offering them hope, by offering them "salvation" by living and thinking a different way. that's what Jesus did.
My words are harsh to a believer. to a person of faith, they are a mere challenge perhaps. A believer clings to his bible and is full of fear he will even kill those who appear to be a threat to his beliefs.
Jesus' message is timeless.
The countless systems built up around Jesus are offering hope to those who desire to see it enclosed within a system of rituals, words, and recollections (history). It cannot be made so, and still remain authentic.
The fact or circumstance of Jesus coming back to life after supposedly bleeding to death are in this light completely irrelevant. There is no end. I can only try to explain away the witnesses in the bible as make-believe, as much as the virgin birth, and these fabrications were meant to tie in to the Jewish bible, in order to bring a new consciousness to an inflexible and tired religion.
Thoughts are often confused with reality. Those who cling to the bible, or Jesus, are not demonstrating true faith, for faith is the opposite of clinging, it is letting go.
How can you define reality using the past? You do this (we all do this) because it is convenient. The reality we have in front of us is full of the unknown.
We feel like we are all alone, helpless and fearful (just like the disciples), yet we have the feeling that our roots and our past is unfathomable.
It would be convenient to lock it all up within a book, within a belief system. The past is known (or at least we THINK we now the past).
You tell me about events pertaining to the witnessing of apparitions, of jesus' resurrection. All history is in flux, and the accounts of credulous individuals represent the hopes of millions who seek connection to the Source of being.
Jesus persists because his message was true: Money doesn't matter; you are all children of God (the original greek says "I am a son of God'); Turn the other cheek (resist with flexibility/strength); Love one another; I and the father are one (and so are you and you and you); and so on. These are the teachings which first appeared in northern India and gave rise to Buddism as well. His teachings persist because he confronted a pyramid society that suffocates by its own design.
It is not a resurrection, but a continuity in time. The slayer doesn't end a life when he slays; neither the slain nor the slayer should believe so" (Upanishads).
There were many challenges to jewish law and authority, and many messiahs. People felt pain and anguish, and they seek relief, a saviour. There are people who feel they can do a service to people by offering them hope, by offering them "salvation" by living and thinking a different way. that's what Jesus did.
My words are harsh to a believer. to a person of faith, they are a mere challenge perhaps. A believer clings to his bible and is full of fear he will even kill those who appear to be a threat to his beliefs.
Jesus' message is timeless.
The countless systems built up around Jesus are offering hope to those who desire to see it enclosed within a system of rituals, words, and recollections (history). It cannot be made so, and still remain authentic.
The fact or circumstance of Jesus coming back to life after supposedly bleeding to death are in this light completely irrelevant. There is no end. I can only try to explain away the witnesses in the bible as make-believe, as much as the virgin birth, and these fabrications were meant to tie in to the Jewish bible, in order to bring a new consciousness to an inflexible and tired religion.
There are many paradoxes in life, and the recording of history creates its own. It is complex to explain reality or spirituality with words. Words change. It is hard to reach common people. There is a theory that the bible must be meant for even the stupid (uneducated) to understand it. Therefore many of the stories are inconsistent, poorly explained, and in a vulgar venacular and mistranslated in countless instances.
Buddism tries to explain ways to enlightment (freedom) one number at a time (Yet the Buddha knows this is not REALLY the way, but it is a beginning). The Upanishads utilize fantastic beings and gods to reach the hordes who can be brought in by fantastic deities, who are not REALLY deities at all. The bible is not markedly different in this aspect.
It is not fair to ask any rational being to disprove the resurrection after the "fact." Christians do this continuously and habitually.
We will never know for certain if the resurrection happened. And that's ok. There is no comfy science to confirm it, but so what. Have your faith in it and see where it leads you. Just please do not convert the natives or kill them because they do not understand you. They are my bretheren.
There are many paradoxes in life, and the recording of history creates its own. It is complex to explain reality or spirituality with words. Words change. It is hard to reach common people. There is a theory that the bible must be meant for even the stupid (uneducated) to understand it. Therefore many of the stories are inconsistent, poorly explained, and in a vulgar venacular and mistranslated in countless instances.
Buddism tries to explain ways to enlightment (freedom) one number at a time (Yet the Buddha knows this is not REALLY the way, but it is a beginning). The Upanishads utilize fantastic beings and gods to reach the hordes who can be brought in by fantastic deities, who are not REALLY deities at all. The bible is not markedly different in this aspect.
It is not fair to ask any rational being to disprove the resurrection after the "fact." Christians do this continuously and habitually.
We will never know for certain if the resurrection happened. And that's ok. There is no comfy science to confirm it, but so what. Have your faith in it and see where it leads you. Just please do not convert the natives or kill them because they do not understand you. They are my bretheren.
Thoughts are often confused with reality. Those who cling to the bible, or Jesus, are not demonstrating true faith, for faith is the opposite of clinging, it is letting go.
What does this even mean? As it is, I disagree completely.
Thoughts are often confused with reality. Those who cling to the bible, or Jesus, are not demonstrating true faith, for faith is the opposite of clinging, it is letting go.
What does this even mean? As it is, I disagree completely.
Jesus persists because his message was true: Money doesn't matter; you are all children of God (the original greek says "I am a son of God'); Turn the other cheek (resist with flexibility/strength); Love one another; I and the father are one (and so are you and you and you); and so on. These are the teachings which first appeared in northern India and gave rise to Buddism as well. His teachings persist because he confronted a pyramid society that suffocates by its own design.
Those in bold are not Jesus's teachings.
Jesus persists because his message was true: Money doesn't matter; you are all children of God (the original greek says "I am a son of God'); Turn the other cheek (resist with flexibility/strength); Love one another; I and the father are one (and so are you and you and you); and so on. These are the teachings which first appeared in northern India and gave rise to Buddism as well. His teachings persist because he confronted a pyramid society that suffocates by its own design.
Those in bold are not Jesus's teachings.
My words are harsh to a believer. to a person of faith, they are a mere challenge perhaps. A believer clings to his bible and is full of fear he will even kill those who appear to be a threat to his beliefs.
My words are harsh to a believer. to a person of faith, they are a mere challenge perhaps. A believer clings to his bible and is full of fear he will even kill those who appear to be a threat to his beliefs.
The fact or circumstance of Jesus coming back to life after supposedly bleeding to death are in this light completely irrelevant. There is no end. I can only try to explain away the witnesses in the bible as make-believe, as much as the virgin birth, and these fabrications were meant to tie in to the Jewish bible, in order to bring a new consciousness to an inflexible and tired religion.
The fact or circumstance of Jesus coming back to life after supposedly bleeding to death are in this light completely irrelevant. There is no end. I can only try to explain away the witnesses in the bible as make-believe, as much as the virgin birth, and these fabrications were meant to tie in to the Jewish bible, in order to bring a new consciousness to an inflexible and tired religion.
This movie can help u on your journey.
This movie can help u on your journey.
it, but so what. Have your faith in it and see where it leads you. Just please do not convert the natives or kill them because they do not understand you. They are my bretheren.
A devout Christian would never kill anyone, any Christian who does that is a hypocrite and will answer to the Lord.
So since we cannot convert you then there is no need for you to come to this thread anymore because you certainly are not going to convert us to atheism...bye...bye!
it, but so what. Have your faith in it and see where it leads you. Just please do not convert the natives or kill them because they do not understand you. They are my bretheren.
A devout Christian would never kill anyone, any Christian who does that is a hypocrite and will answer to the Lord.
So since we cannot convert you then there is no need for you to come to this thread anymore because you certainly are not going to convert us to atheism...bye...bye!
When Jesus sent his disciples out to preach, he told them to leave towns that didn't welcome them. When the disciples wanted to punish a town that rejected Him, rather than accepting their offer, He rebuked them.
So you see, a devout Christian follows His master, he does not punish people who don't understand him, he just leaves that person or persons alone.
When Jesus sent his disciples out to preach, he told them to leave towns that didn't welcome them. When the disciples wanted to punish a town that rejected Him, rather than accepting their offer, He rebuked them.
So you see, a devout Christian follows His master, he does not punish people who don't understand him, he just leaves that person or persons alone.
This movie can help u on your journey.
Wow! I actually watched this and wish I hadn't. No offense, but that was terrible and that guy was WAY to annoying. I prefer a more realistic approach. Again, no offense.
This movie can help u on your journey.
Wow! I actually watched this and wish I hadn't. No offense, but that was terrible and that guy was WAY to annoying. I prefer a more realistic approach. Again, no offense.
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