Texas has recently started doing antibody testing. In the news out of Houston they were counting people who tested positive for antibodies as new infections. That is bad data. Also, the CDC counts every positive test. So if you are in a hospital for a week and are tested 4 times, and each time is positive, then the CDC counts that as 4 cases. Again, this is bad data.
There are also several instances discovers of nursing homes counting more cases than they have patients, by a factor of 30. They turned in the CDC spreadsheets, but did a cumulative for the month. So one resident was counted as 30 cases (one per day).
They opened up on May 1. The spikes began on June 15. 6 week incubation period?
No. They haven't. Except for Taiwan, and S. Korea. And that is ONLY because they had enough experience with the SARS epidemic and China's lies, they didn't buy China's lies this time. Taiwan officials tried to get the word out and WHO shut them down. Or did you miss that story?
Taiwan and S Korea use a different methodology with the test. Dr Drosten designed the parameters. The US us using a standard that reports up to 70% false positives, per Drosten. This is why Mullis said his PCR test should not be used to diagnose.
On 7/1, the CDC admitted a positive test means you could have any coronavirus, including a common cold. It has been known for months the US is doing improper testing by those who are virologists. We are over counting, as is most of Europe. The Asians have not skewed their numbers with other illnesses.
90 clinical papers on masks say they do not mitigate the spread of viruses. As late as May 2020 the CDC and WHO published papers stating thus. Social distancing is also a farce. Why is it 6’ in the US, but the WHO says 2’, and most countries in Europe say about 4.5’. Are the Laws of Physics different in Europe or Asia? People need to grab a science or medical journal and read once in awhile. CNN and bureaucrats will never give you the truth.
The story gets better. For months those paying attention knew Dr Drosten’s SARS-CoV-2 parameters for the PCR tests included all Asiatic coronaviruses. On July 1st, the CDC admitted a positive result on the test or the antibody test means you may have one of the many coronaviruses, “including the one that causes the common cold”.
This is why there are so many conflicting symptoms. We are counting people with the cold and upper respiratory illnesses with COVID (a lower respiratory disease).
It was also on the news Texas is 1. Counting people with antibodies as positive cases, which is part of their spike. 2. The CDC counts every positive test as a new case, even if several tests are from the same person.
NY flattened the curve by killing off 50,000 Americans