Quote Originally Posted by THEMUGG:
@Midnight1 Which ones are correct? You & RS have no idea. Lib media outlets are painting a Trump win as the end of the world.......problem is that he was already potus once so none of their scare tactics will work.
--Funny how they worry most about attacking political enemies. I WONDER WHY? 
--Invade Mexico, that was Joe Biden's idea 25 years ago.
--Round up the homeless. They gonna use Texas cowboys for that roundup?? .............Addressing the problem would be nice! And a president cannot send national guard without a request from the city.
--Ban Abortion nationwide, my fav. Trump has MADE IT CLEAR, he supports abortion up to 16 weeks, that's 4 months! Dems want 9 months.
--Abandon NATO. Trump won't abandon NATO, just make everybody pay their agreed share, even if you have to shake/scare the shit out of them.
--If children's schools are MAGA because there is no porn on the shelves and kids are taught we are all created equal then so be it and too bad that bothers you.
--Never seen Trump say anything about trans other than you are not shoving it down children's throats. And Trump won't glorify it either. And men trans to women are not knocking the teeth outta girls in sports, no brainer.
Gut Federal government? Scale it back, yes!
Deport illegal aliens, yep!
Take charge of the border, yep! That alone will get him elected. 
Bring back death penalty? Thought states controlled that.
Tax ALL imported goods, not gonna happen. Prevent China from dumping on certain markets to put American manufacturing out of business? Hell yes. Just like his tariffs did. 
There has been little to no climate change progress, 2023 was worst CO2 global output ever. US lowered it's output compared to 2017 by just .15 billion tons while China and India increased by 1.8 billion tons and are still growing at a rapid pace. Electric car sales have fizzled.
Cities with flying cars. Nice dream. https://robbreport.com/motors/aviation/three-manufacturers-bringing-flying-automobiles-to-market-1234758578/
Pardon Jan 6 roiters, now that's a correct statement, rioters not insurrectionists. 
Go after non-MAGA media. Just like go after political opponents, wonder why they would think that?
Not much one can do with the press.