Question for you atheist: Are any of you pathetic guys married and have children? For the life of me I can't imagine any woman worth a grain of salt spending a life time with such morally and spiritually bankrupt people as this collection of atheist. At least Wiccans believe in something. You poor souls are just confused coward conning people. Thats your new name like your brothers in the old Communist Soviet Union who officially were atheist we will call you CCCP (Confused Cowards Conning People)
So a person can only be moral if they believe in god?
And we are the delusional ones?
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Question for you atheist: Are any of you pathetic guys married and have children? For the life of me I can't imagine any woman worth a grain of salt spending a life time with such morally and spiritually bankrupt people as this collection of atheist. At least Wiccans believe in something. You poor souls are just confused coward conning people. Thats your new name like your brothers in the old Communist Soviet Union who officially were atheist we will call you CCCP (Confused Cowards Conning People)
So a person can only be moral if they believe in god?
How much hours HAVE YOU ALL spent on "political party" or "war" forums arguing with pro war people?
How many?
Oh thats right, it is more important to spent most of my time arguing day and night about people who put a few signs up about person sexuality than for your govt to go and drop bombs on innocent babies and rape 15 year old girls.......
Conviniently not answered by atheists
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
How much hours HAVE YOU ALL spent on "political party" or "war" forums arguing with pro war people?
How many?
Oh thats right, it is more important to spent most of my time arguing day and night about people who put a few signs up about person sexuality than for your govt to go and drop bombs on innocent babies and rape 15 year old girls.......
Not answered Rostos because it's not relevant to this thread.
Of course you arent going to answer it, because it exposes you and your friends for the frauds you are....
Hey atheists, why do you come on this thread and spend so much time on it if you dont believe God exists?
Atheists response, "we spend time on this thread because of the impact organized religion has on humanity,
Hey atheists, if that is the case, if you care so much about the impact of an organization on humanity, why arent you on war forums, political forums debating pro war people about your govt and military bombing innocent babies and raping 15 year old girls.
Atheists, "Appeal to motive".,,...., or "its not relevant"......
Cmon atheists, seriously
Atheists," well, we think that a few people that hang on the street corner putting up a sign saying homosexuality is a sin has a deeper impact on humanity that our govt bombing little kids, blowing peoples arms and legs off and raping little girls, oh and also senior officers going to parents houses and telling them there son or daughter is dead is not as important as those few people putting those anti homosexual slogans up...........
You guys are the biggest jokes, it may have taken 161 pages, but at least everyone can see what you guys really are.....
Quote Originally Posted by KittyKatz286:
Not answered Rostos because it's not relevant to this thread.
Of course you arent going to answer it, because it exposes you and your friends for the frauds you are....
Hey atheists, why do you come on this thread and spend so much time on it if you dont believe God exists?
Atheists response, "we spend time on this thread because of the impact organized religion has on humanity,
Hey atheists, if that is the case, if you care so much about the impact of an organization on humanity, why arent you on war forums, political forums debating pro war people about your govt and military bombing innocent babies and raping 15 year old girls.
Atheists, "Appeal to motive".,,...., or "its not relevant"......
Cmon atheists, seriously
Atheists," well, we think that a few people that hang on the street corner putting up a sign saying homosexuality is a sin has a deeper impact on humanity that our govt bombing little kids, blowing peoples arms and legs off and raping little girls, oh and also senior officers going to parents houses and telling them there son or daughter is dead is not as important as those few people putting those anti homosexual slogans up...........
You guys are the biggest jokes, it may have taken 161 pages, but at least everyone can see what you guys really are.....
You guys care about society so much, you guys care about the negative impacts of organizations on human beings,
Why arent you outside the whitehouse or on i suppose "war" or political party forums day and night arguing against people that are pro "afghan and Iraq wars"? why not?
Oh i forgot, you want to spend your time instead arguing with a few people about some others that put a few signs up saying homosexuality is a sin........
So, let me get this straight- you have to be opposed to the Iraq and Afghan wars in order to be an atheist?! I think christopher hitchens would disagree with you a bit there. Of all the ridiculous arguments you have made, this one is by far the lamest. In addition to being an appeal to motive, it is a complete non sequiter- the two topics are totally irrelevant to each other. I must really be getting to you, since your previously mediocre posts have degenerated into mindless babble.
Quote Originally Posted by Rostos:
Cmon Mikniks, KK and co.....
You guys care about society so much, you guys care about the negative impacts of organizations on human beings,
Why arent you outside the whitehouse or on i suppose "war" or political party forums day and night arguing against people that are pro "afghan and Iraq wars"? why not?
Oh i forgot, you want to spend your time instead arguing with a few people about some others that put a few signs up saying homosexuality is a sin........
So, let me get this straight- you have to be opposed to the Iraq and Afghan wars in order to be an atheist?! I think christopher hitchens would disagree with you a bit there. Of all the ridiculous arguments you have made, this one is by far the lamest. In addition to being an appeal to motive, it is a complete non sequiter- the two topics are totally irrelevant to each other. I must really be getting to you, since your previously mediocre posts have degenerated into mindless babble.
So, let me get this straight- you have to be opposed to the Iraq and Afghan wars in order to be an atheist?! I think christopher hitchens would disagree with you a bit there. Of all the ridiculous arguments you have made, this one is by far the lamest. In addition to being an appeal to motive, it is a complete non sequiter- the two topics are totally irrelevant to each other. I must really be getting to you, since your previously mediocre posts have degenerated into mindless babble.
Where did i say that you have to be opposed to the warsin Iraq in iraq to be an atheist?
WTF are you talking about?
You have completely missed the point, do you know how to read?
KK and Miknicks have stated that the main reason why they are on this thread is because of the impact Organised Religion has on Society.....I asked them if they care so much about the impact of organisations on society, why arent they on war and political forums arguing against Pro war debaters.
If they care so much about the impact of organisations on society, why arent they on those forums after all, your govt has been bombing away , killing babies, blowing innocent peoples arms and legs off, raping 15 year old girls, yet KK and Miknicks are more concerned about a few people on the side of the street putting posters up saying homsexuality is wrong......
The catchphrase of the month for atheists "appeal to motive" is absolutely rubbish.......
We can clealry see the frauds that the atheists here are......
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
So, let me get this straight- you have to be opposed to the Iraq and Afghan wars in order to be an atheist?! I think christopher hitchens would disagree with you a bit there. Of all the ridiculous arguments you have made, this one is by far the lamest. In addition to being an appeal to motive, it is a complete non sequiter- the two topics are totally irrelevant to each other. I must really be getting to you, since your previously mediocre posts have degenerated into mindless babble.
Where did i say that you have to be opposed to the warsin Iraq in iraq to be an atheist?
WTF are you talking about?
You have completely missed the point, do you know how to read?
KK and Miknicks have stated that the main reason why they are on this thread is because of the impact Organised Religion has on Society.....I asked them if they care so much about the impact of organisations on society, why arent they on war and political forums arguing against Pro war debaters.
If they care so much about the impact of organisations on society, why arent they on those forums after all, your govt has been bombing away , killing babies, blowing innocent peoples arms and legs off, raping 15 year old girls, yet KK and Miknicks are more concerned about a few people on the side of the street putting posters up saying homsexuality is wrong......
The catchphrase of the month for atheists "appeal to motive" is absolutely rubbish.......
We can clealry see the frauds that the atheists here are......
Has anyone notice how these mindless atheists trolls never answer a question. They only answer that "appeal to motive" crap or the other catch phrase "logical fallacy". This is their fall back position because when the questions get serious they run and hide. But yet they still don't understand why I and many others call them Cowards. You guys are the biggest collection of human waste. I mean truly and the funny part is you guys think your shit doesn't stink especially that clown Surfape. What a piece of work this guy is. Even simple questions they can't answer.
Has anyone notice how these mindless atheists trolls never answer a question. They only answer that "appeal to motive" crap or the other catch phrase "logical fallacy". This is their fall back position because when the questions get serious they run and hide. But yet they still don't understand why I and many others call them Cowards. You guys are the biggest collection of human waste. I mean truly and the funny part is you guys think your shit doesn't stink especially that clown Surfape. What a piece of work this guy is. Even simple questions they can't answer.
Hey Mikniks- I didn't ask you if your family loves you. Hell thats a given. Why don't you try answering a question straight up for a change instead of ducking and dodging. Perhaps you should go upstairs and tell Mommy how the evil Christians are picking on you again and asking tough questions. Maybe if you're nice boy Mommy will come tuck you in tonight and give you warm and milk and cookies.No wonder you're an atheists. You're worthless. No doubt unemployed or working at some McDonalds while Mommy pays all your bills to keep up the appearances out there on Long Island. 22? You're more like 12 son. Go get a real life and become a real man. Then come back on the thread and spew this atheist crap!
Hey Mikniks- I didn't ask you if your family loves you. Hell thats a given. Why don't you try answering a question straight up for a change instead of ducking and dodging. Perhaps you should go upstairs and tell Mommy how the evil Christians are picking on you again and asking tough questions. Maybe if you're nice boy Mommy will come tuck you in tonight and give you warm and milk and cookies.No wonder you're an atheists. You're worthless. No doubt unemployed or working at some McDonalds while Mommy pays all your bills to keep up the appearances out there on Long Island. 22? You're more like 12 son. Go get a real life and become a real man. Then come back on the thread and spew this atheist crap!
SURFAPE- You're nothing but a pig dressed in a prom dress. Mindless manipulator. What woman would waste her time on your sorry ass. I know your type. Old washed up surfer dude taking advantage of the young girls that don't know any better. I will bet you $1 Dollar to $100 that your pathetic ass isn't married. I mean who could put up with your pseudo intellectual bullshit full time. You're so full of crap the stench from your posts is making me ill. Here's the thing about you. You have been getting away with crap for so long. You actually believe it now. Now that's a real FOOL. You just keep drinking that atheist kool aid and watch your life slowly go down the tubes. Your avatar says all we need to know about you. There is no doubt that if you were ever married that woman left your sorry ass a long time ago. Kids? You probably don't have gumption to even support your kids because somehow you have rationalized in that pea brain of yours some bullshit about how real atheist do things. You're the most pathetic of all the atheist on this thread because you should know better because you're older. I feel sorry for you because you don't have the BALLS to wake the F**k up! So go run along and pick up some more young naive girls that you can brainwash with that crap that you spew.
SURFAPE- You're nothing but a pig dressed in a prom dress. Mindless manipulator. What woman would waste her time on your sorry ass. I know your type. Old washed up surfer dude taking advantage of the young girls that don't know any better. I will bet you $1 Dollar to $100 that your pathetic ass isn't married. I mean who could put up with your pseudo intellectual bullshit full time. You're so full of crap the stench from your posts is making me ill. Here's the thing about you. You have been getting away with crap for so long. You actually believe it now. Now that's a real FOOL. You just keep drinking that atheist kool aid and watch your life slowly go down the tubes. Your avatar says all we need to know about you. There is no doubt that if you were ever married that woman left your sorry ass a long time ago. Kids? You probably don't have gumption to even support your kids because somehow you have rationalized in that pea brain of yours some bullshit about how real atheist do things. You're the most pathetic of all the atheist on this thread because you should know better because you're older. I feel sorry for you because you don't have the BALLS to wake the F**k up! So go run along and pick up some more young naive girls that you can brainwash with that crap that you spew.
So smooth, being totally beaten by his intellectual better resorts to this? A string of childish, bizarre, and mostly incorrect insults. (Why the hell would I want to be married?) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your exemplar of religiosity in all his shit stained glory. Where did this loon even come up with this drivel? Off of a picture of me on my sailboat with fresh conch? My user name? You theists are cracking up.
So smooth, being totally beaten by his intellectual better resorts to this? A string of childish, bizarre, and mostly incorrect insults. (Why the hell would I want to be married?) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your exemplar of religiosity in all his shit stained glory. Where did this loon even come up with this drivel? Off of a picture of me on my sailboat with fresh conch? My user name? You theists are cracking up.
My work is done for now. I have exposed the theists for what the really are, evidenced by smooth and rostos total breakdowns. I will not comment any further re any personal attack not related to my posts. I'm far too busy picking up and brainwashing young naive girls to do that. You know I'm the Charlie manson of covers because I have a picture of myself on my sailboat as an avatar. Your jealously and impotent rage is characteristic of your ilk. Keep on violating all the stupid rules you supposedly live by.
My work is done for now. I have exposed the theists for what the really are, evidenced by smooth and rostos total breakdowns. I will not comment any further re any personal attack not related to my posts. I'm far too busy picking up and brainwashing young naive girls to do that. You know I'm the Charlie manson of covers because I have a picture of myself on my sailboat as an avatar. Your jealously and impotent rage is characteristic of your ilk. Keep on violating all the stupid rules you supposedly live by.
Rostos- you implied that everyone deriding religion should instead be protesting against two of Americas wars. I will forget for a moment that one of the wars referenced is already over, and again focus on the overall stupidity of your statement. What if both felt the wars were just? What if both actually did protest vehemently against the wars. After all, you know exactly Dick about them. There are probably a hundred other scenarios which would render your already irrelevant critique completely moronic as well. You really cannot be this dumb, so I can only guess that your intention is to obfuscate, to so distract from your losing argument with meaningless frippery that people forget the rout at hand or simply throw their hands up in frustration and walk away.
Rostos- you implied that everyone deriding religion should instead be protesting against two of Americas wars. I will forget for a moment that one of the wars referenced is already over, and again focus on the overall stupidity of your statement. What if both felt the wars were just? What if both actually did protest vehemently against the wars. After all, you know exactly Dick about them. There are probably a hundred other scenarios which would render your already irrelevant critique completely moronic as well. You really cannot be this dumb, so I can only guess that your intention is to obfuscate, to so distract from your losing argument with meaningless frippery that people forget the rout at hand or simply throw their hands up in frustration and walk away.
So smooth, being totally beaten by his intellectual better resorts to this? A string of childish, bizarre, and mostly incorrect insults. (Why the hell would I want to be married?) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your exemplar of religiosity in all his shit stained glory. Where did this loon even come up with this drivel? Off of a picture of me on my sailboat with fresh conch? My user name? You theists are cracking up.
I knew it! You can play it off like it's your choice not to be married and by the way being married has nothing to do with believing in God. But you're so far gone mentally you could make anything relative to whether you believe in God or not. Bottomline Playboy is that no woman would put up with your bull crap like I said. I rest my case on your sorry ass! SURFAPE TRULY A JOKE!
There's your leader atheists in all his glory! What a sad sack of men. All of you have empty lives. Good luck with all that.
Quote Originally Posted by SurfApe:
So smooth, being totally beaten by his intellectual better resorts to this? A string of childish, bizarre, and mostly incorrect insults. (Why the hell would I want to be married?) Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your exemplar of religiosity in all his shit stained glory. Where did this loon even come up with this drivel? Off of a picture of me on my sailboat with fresh conch? My user name? You theists are cracking up.
I knew it! You can play it off like it's your choice not to be married and by the way being married has nothing to do with believing in God. But you're so far gone mentally you could make anything relative to whether you believe in God or not. Bottomline Playboy is that no woman would put up with your bull crap like I said. I rest my case on your sorry ass! SURFAPE TRULY A JOKE!
There's your leader atheists in all his glory! What a sad sack of men. All of you have empty lives. Good luck with all that.
I knew it! You can play it off like it's your choice not to be married and by the way being married has nothing to do with believing in God. (based on what)But you're so far gone mentally you could make anything relative to whether you believe in God or not.(based on what) Bottomline Playboy is that no woman would put up with your bull crap like I said. (based on what)I rest my case on your sorry ass! What case? What have you PROVEN? SURFAPE TRULY A JOKE!
There's your leader atheists in all his glory! What a sad sack of men. All of you have empty lives. (based on what) Good luck with all that.
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
I knew it! You can play it off like it's your choice not to be married and by the way being married has nothing to do with believing in God. (based on what)But you're so far gone mentally you could make anything relative to whether you believe in God or not.(based on what) Bottomline Playboy is that no woman would put up with your bull crap like I said. (based on what)I rest my case on your sorry ass! What case? What have you PROVEN? SURFAPE TRULY A JOKE!
There's your leader atheists in all his glory! What a sad sack of men. All of you have empty lives. (based on what) Good luck with all that.
Thank you SJD there is nothing to prove to these reprobates. I love it. Yeah that want God to come tuck them in at night and tell them everything will be alright. Then like the scared little cowards they are then and then will they believe. But because God didn't leaven any "proof" or "evidence" of his visit they won't tell their little atheist friends because they would be laughed at. Sound familiar atheist. This is why they discount other atheist who have become theists because they don't believe it's possible. But guess what you worthless Assclowns. More atheist get converted everyday by these miracles. This is why there are so few of you because even the lowest of the low KNOW that there is a God.
it's funny that you had to go find a new word (reprobates), because you feel intellectually inferior to surfape... I guess coward wasn't cutting it
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
Thank you SJD there is nothing to prove to these reprobates. I love it. Yeah that want God to come tuck them in at night and tell them everything will be alright. Then like the scared little cowards they are then and then will they believe. But because God didn't leaven any "proof" or "evidence" of his visit they won't tell their little atheist friends because they would be laughed at. Sound familiar atheist. This is why they discount other atheist who have become theists because they don't believe it's possible. But guess what you worthless Assclowns. More atheist get converted everyday by these miracles. This is why there are so few of you because even the lowest of the low KNOW that there is a God.
it's funny that you had to go find a new word (reprobates), because you feel intellectually inferior to surfape... I guess coward wasn't cutting it
I knew it! You can play it off like it's your choice not to be married and by the way being married has nothing to do with believing in God. But you're so far gone mentally you could make anything relative to whether you believe in God or not. Bottomline Playboy is that no woman would put up with your bull crap like I said. I rest my case on your sorry ass! SURFAPE TRULY A JOKE!
There's your leader atheists in all his glory! What a sad sack of men. All of you have empty lives. Good luck with all that.
Obviously you are a great ambassador for your faith. You make me want to start going to church again, will I get to meet more people like you?
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
I knew it! You can play it off like it's your choice not to be married and by the way being married has nothing to do with believing in God. But you're so far gone mentally you could make anything relative to whether you believe in God or not. Bottomline Playboy is that no woman would put up with your bull crap like I said. I rest my case on your sorry ass! SURFAPE TRULY A JOKE!
There's your leader atheists in all his glory! What a sad sack of men. All of you have empty lives. Good luck with all that.
Obviously you are a great ambassador for your faith. You make me want to start going to church again, will I get to meet more people like you?
Smooth, there is no doubt in my mind that I'm intellectually superior to you. You have made a bunch of unsubstatianted claims based on the "it's truth because I say so" logic. You have yet to make an actual argument. We keep bringin up logical fallacies because we don't need to bother with your insane attempts at forming an argument.
Keep resorting to personal attacks you big zero. The world will certainly be a better and smarter place when your generation dies off.
I didn't know living in NY meant I come from a rich family. Interesting world views you have.
Smooth, there is no doubt in my mind that I'm intellectually superior to you. You have made a bunch of unsubstatianted claims based on the "it's truth because I say so" logic. You have yet to make an actual argument. We keep bringin up logical fallacies because we don't need to bother with your insane attempts at forming an argument.
Keep resorting to personal attacks you big zero. The world will certainly be a better and smarter place when your generation dies off.
I didn't know living in NY meant I come from a rich family. Interesting world views you have.
A million atheist would never stop me believing in the Holy Father, creator of the Universe, God himself. One day my friend, mark my words you will scream for God to come save your pathetic atheist butt. My oldest son is going being deployed to Afghanistan this month. He is a Marine and believe this. Some of the Marines who profess atheism suddenly become firm believers when they face real combat. Why is that smart ass? What scientific answer can you give us as to why when the chips are down atheist become theist almost instantly. Think about it while you're spewing these lies that you so enthusiastically clap for. What a FOOL!
there are atheists in the foxhole and they are growing as they learn science and search the internet..even facing death they will not bow to your golden symbols....these are great heroes...they are wise and fearless to your man made the the great atheist navy seal Jesse Ventura said, "Christians are weak minded people".
Quote Originally Posted by smoothd20:
A million atheist would never stop me believing in the Holy Father, creator of the Universe, God himself. One day my friend, mark my words you will scream for God to come save your pathetic atheist butt. My oldest son is going being deployed to Afghanistan this month. He is a Marine and believe this. Some of the Marines who profess atheism suddenly become firm believers when they face real combat. Why is that smart ass? What scientific answer can you give us as to why when the chips are down atheist become theist almost instantly. Think about it while you're spewing these lies that you so enthusiastically clap for. What a FOOL!
there are atheists in the foxhole and they are growing as they learn science and search the internet..even facing death they will not bow to your golden symbols....these are great heroes...they are wise and fearless to your man made the the great atheist navy seal Jesse Ventura said, "Christians are weak minded people".
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